rainbow nights

by 9551Dev

makes your nights rainbow! planning to add rainbow lamps

2 years ago

b Uninstalling doesn't get rid of the color

1 year, 10 months ago

I installed this mod just for curiosity on how it would look like, the, saved my game about 40 min later, uninstalled it (at night) yet the color persisted. Is there a way I can make nights go back to normal without losing 40 minutes of progress?

1 year, 10 months ago

Nvm, just figured out how, thanks and sorry.

5 months ago

i know this is awfully old but i just found this and for anyone else looking you have to run this, should have probably considered it but here we are haha
/c for k,v in pairs(game.surfaces) do game.surfaces[k].brightness_visual_weights = {r=1,g=1,b=1} end

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