Puppy's Vehicle Fuel UI

by Puppy

Adds a UI to show remaining fuel for your vehicle.

4 months ago

i GUI Shift

6 months ago

As of now the GUI shifts left or right depending on witch vehicle you enter in my case i use AAI Chain gun car and miner,to reproduce enter a car position the gui where you want it exit...enter a different car the gui has now shifted to a new position...reposition it again (now if you enter the same car the gui stays where you put it,if not it shifts)

Suggestion add a option if possible to lock the gui either wherever the player puts it or above or to the left of the character quick inventory like in your screenshot

6 months ago

The GUI should have a single fixed position across all vehicle types. I guess it might shift if you have a huge amount of fuel/remaining time?

6 months ago

can t be made to account for that? or like i suggested a locked position? if it;s not to complicated btw using those two mods the gui does not just shift left or right also a bit up and down,just checked that

4 months ago

I've looked into this, but I can't reproduce with any of the vanilla or SE fuels with these vehicles. Are you using a modded fuel as well?

4 months ago

No,i don't know...i am using different vehicles thou maybe that's the problem? like i mentioned i use AAI vehicles only ,other than that everything fuel related is vanilla,wood, coal,solid fuel etc...

4 months ago

I tested with the AAI vehicles with various fuels, but the GUI always remains the same size and location when switching vehicles. Can you post your whole mod list? Perhaps one of them is messing with fuel values.

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