Prime Intergalactic Delivery

A shopping point for getting those personal items with coins

1 year, 5 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Dont remove research

1 year, 4 months ago

Hi.. Could you please make sure that your mod does not remove research for no reason? Because exactly for this reason I can now delete the last 6 hours again, because another mod does not work because of exactly your mod here.

1 year, 4 months ago

Sounds like the 2 mods are incompatible then. What mod was it that this clashed with?

Not removing research when I remove the ability to craft the items the research unlocks does not sound like a sensible default option. So your specific other mod may need some specific consideration.

1 year, 4 months ago

The mod I was talking about is this one:
You could also just disable the recipes instead of the research. This makes it less likely that other mods will have problems.

1 year, 4 months ago

Could you maybe at least tell me a way to have the now missing research available again? Because if I put your mod out here, nothing changes.

1 year, 4 months ago
(updated 1 year, 4 months ago)

So the below assumes you ticked both non default mod options to disable being able to craft the items you can buy at the shop:

So the mod does 2 things when those options are ticked. 1. It disables technologies that only facilitate the crafting of items in the shop. 2. It removes some recipes from more general techs (like robots from construction robotic tech).

(1) The disabled techs can be re-enabled in a save that has had them disabled via the below command run from console:

game.player.force.technologies["modular-armor"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["power-armor"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["power-armor-mk2"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["solar-panel-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["personal-laser-defense-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["discharge-defense-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["fusion-reactor-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["exoskeleton-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["personal-roboport-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["battery-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["battery-mk2-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["belt-immunity-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["energy-shield-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["energy-shield-mk2-equipment"].enabled = true
game.player.force.technologies["night-vision-equipment"].enabled = true

(2) The technologies the mod removes effects from (like robots from robotics) has this change undone when the mod is removed or the option is unticked.

Added to future task list to look at doing something smarter with the technologies once other mods are supported. Probably would only remove a tech that isn't a pre-req for another tech, otherwise just removes the item recipe from it. Will need to handle chains of techs and potentially removing from the tail up towards the head. But this is some way off being done.

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