Liquid Science

by pfg

A mod that turns science into a liquid that you have to fill science packs with bottlers

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.18

b prototype registered twice

6 years ago

when i just upgraded factorio from 0.16.25 to 0.16.28, i couldn't start the program without getting this error

failed to load mods:
error while loading item prototype "science-pack-1" (tool):
Prototype "science-pack-1" registered twice
disable all mods / restart / exit

no specific mod was given in that message, but after disabling this mod (by editing the mod-list.json manually), factorio could be started again.

while using factorio 0.16.25 with this mod, i had noticed some strange effects (which wouldn't break the game, but might be connected to the new bug): when using helmod to calculate some production chain, and also on other occasions, the liquid and the science bottles were both shown as the same icon and name and/or the wrong one was shown/used. having the same (bad) prototype for both might be an explanation of those glitches, and some new check in the new factorio finally notices such problems.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I'll look at this, it's possible that fluids have to have a different prototype name now. Currently the fluids and the items have the same prototype names

Edit: it looks like they have different prototypes and I can start the game on 0.16.36, hmm

Edit edit: Yeah the fluids have the same name

6 years ago

Should be fixed in the next update

New response