Foltik's Spaghetti Modpack

by Foltik

Just updated to 1.0 with new fixes and more content! This modpack is designed to massively ramp up the complexity of the vanilla game with Bob's mods, Angel's mods, Pyanodon's mods, Yuoki Industries, AAI, Logistics Trains, and more!

Mod packs
3 years ago
0.17 - 1.0

g How do we make red science?

3 years ago

How do you make red science packs? There are 9 recipes in FNEI, but none is doable because you need to research something to get them 0.o

3 years ago

you need clown science mod pack... that gives you the ability to turn 5boxes and stone pipes or lead plates/iron sticks. Mod author put it back in with 3.9

3 years ago

It should automatically download if you update my mod in the mod updates tab

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