Amator Phasma's Library (forked)

by ldinc

First of all: this is a resource and code library for my other mods. It self comes with extended functions for inserter: 1) make it possible that a inserter can handle the 'burnt_result_inventory' on all machines. 2) burner inserter can leech fuel from pickup and drop target. 3) burner inserters are capable to chain fuel through all burner type machines. These features are enabled by default when you have installed one of my other mods, if they need it. Otherwise you can control it yourself, whether you need it or not.

5 months ago

g Error on world start

3 years ago

Error after starting a fresh world, i have a large mod list and provide if needed:

The scenario level caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the scenario author.

Error while running event level::crash-site-skip-cutscene (ID 195)
The mod Amator Phasma's Library (forked) (0.22.13) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event apm_lib_ldinc::on_cutscene_cancelled (ID 165)
Unknown item name: apm_assembling_machine_0
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'insert'
apm_lib_ldinc/lib/script/equipment.lua:586: in function 'itemsFromSettings'
apm_lib_ldinc/lib/script/equipment.lua:548: in function 'check_starting_equipment'
apm_lib_ldinc/lib/script/equipment.lua:539: in function 'check_starting_equipment'
apm_lib_ldinc/control.lua:70: in function 'on_cutscene_cancelled'
apm_lib_ldinc/control.lua:260: in function <apm_lib_ldinc/control.lua:259>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'exit_cutscene'
...sktop/Factorio_1.1.1/temp/currently-playing/freeplay.lua:114: in function 'handler'
core/lualib/event_handler.lua:47: in function <core/lualib/event_handler.lua:45>

3 years ago

Error only occurs when amator coal and steam is not installed

3 years ago

Hi! yeap, apm_assembling_machine_0 is recipe from amator coal and steam mod
Try new version 0.22.17 (i added recipe check for settings - "Startup player items")
thx for your report & if you can - provide your mod list =)
P.S. while using other mods you can edit apm_lib stettings line "Startup player items" and change starting set with non-apm & non-vanila items per your start ) format of string: "recipe_name_0:count recipe_name_1:count" (pair -recipe name and count seperated by ":", and such pairs can be separeted by " " (space))

New response