All the mods

The goal of this mod is to depend on every other mod in the mod portal, so you can install every mod with one click. Currently does not work, I will bump the major version number when it works.

Mod packs
1 year, 19 days ago

g But why though.

1 year, 6 months ago

Is it even possible to load this? I feel like you would run out of memory or time before this loaded.

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

Is it even possible to load this?

No, because Factorio apparently can't deal with a mod having 5000 dependencies.

I feel like you would run out of memory or time before this loaded.


1 year, 6 months ago

Because no sane person needs 5000 mods

1 year, 19 days ago

it wont loead bcs it will allways crash

1 year, 19 days ago

Yeah its broken right now and I'm not sure why

1 year, 19 days ago

Holy shit are you still trying to get this abomination to work?

1 year, 19 days ago

why? is this a science project?

1 year, 14 days ago

like i sad u cant load all the mods bcs some are crashing others... even with endless ram

New response