Survival Mode

Survival Mode. Biters only attack at night, regardless of pollution levels, and come in waves. Survive for as long as you can.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.15.16

b weird error

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Error while running event SurvivalMode::on_tick (ID 0)
SurvivalMode/control.lua:117: attempt to call field 'freeze_daytime' (a boolean value)
i dont know what this means i think maybe it might be one of my mods maybe if it helps i could list all my mods im useing. if someone could help me help i would really appreciate it
edit: i have also found when i toggle all mods par base mode and this one it still crashes my game as soon as the first wave of bitters start

6 years ago

Same here, only this mod and Endless Resources: Depletion mod installed.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Found a temporary (possibly permanent) fix. In control.lua changes these lines: -> game.surfaces['nauvis'].freeze_daytime(false)
to this -> game.surfaces['nauvis'].freeze_daytime = false;
and this line -> game.surfaces['nauvis'].freeze_daytime(true)
to this -> game.surfaces['nauvis'].freeze_daytime = true;

Then save control.lue and make sure the .zip file has your new edited control.lue. I've tested 1 wave and seems to work

6 years ago

this has worked for me ive only just started at the moment but thanx for the helpful tip really appreciate it

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