Survival Mode

Survival Mode. Biters only attack at night, regardless of pollution levels, and come in waves. Survive for as long as you can.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.15.16

b starting map error

7 years ago

i started a new map and got this error after the initial notification:
Round 0
1 players
1 enemies this round

Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
SurvivalMode/control.lua:265:attempt to index field '?'(a nil value)

if this is due to the bitter spawning on an island, suggest instead of crashing the game out, that notification on console state that: bitter spawned on island, please restart.

7 years ago

Try the latest version. It's possible there is a conflicting mod you have installed that is causing this issue. But I'll take a look and see if I can figure this out.

I have the exact same issue, but it very well could be a conflict with one of the many mods I have. What mods do you know are incompatible with yours?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Same issue.
No other mod installed.
Water only in starting area. So no island there.
Mod seems broken at the moment.

7 years ago

Just downloaded and I have the same issue. No other mods installed. Factorio version is the latest 0.14.

7 years ago

Since I can't seem to edit - the previous version works fine. Not sure what the 1.3 update is supposed to bring. I like it, by the way :D

7 years ago

This should be fixed in 0.1.4

New response