Содержит все переводы популярных и известных авторов модификаций на русском языке. Переводится абсолютно все ,от описания мода в списке модов до вкладки "советы и подсказки"игры. Крупные модификации подобные Бобам,Ангелам и прочим,будут сделаны отдельным дополнением. Периодически исправляются и добавляются переводы разных модификаций. Заходите на сайт факторио моды и пишите в обсуждение , если вам интересен какой либо перевод мода или вы считаете что где то нужно исправить перевод.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Show dependencies that this mod has on other mods
Show mods that depend on this mod
Show all regular dependencies (Excludes hidden optional dependencies and dependant mods that have >100 dependencies)
Dependency that are required for this mod to work
Mods that are incompatible with this mod
Dependencies that this mod supports but are not required
Optional dependencies that are hidden by default.
This mod: Sort by position in the mods dependency list.
From other mods: Sort by dependency type
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Sort by download count of the dependant mod
Dependency | 12.9M | |
Optional dependency |
AfraidOfTheDark >= 0.0.1 | 170K |
Optional dependency |
Aircraft >= 0.0.1 | 167K |
Optional dependency |
air-filtering >= 0.0.1 | 46.6K |
Optional dependency |
alien-biomes >= 0.0.1 | 591K |
Optional dependency |
ArmouredBiters >= 0.0.1 | 154K |
Optional dependency |
Asteroid_Mining >= 0.0.1 | 16.6K |
Optional dependency |
attach-notes >= 0.0.1 | 8.05K |
Optional dependency |
autobuild >= 0.0.1 | 19.4K |
Optional dependency |
AutoDeconstruct >= 0.0.1 | 266K |
Optional dependency |
autodrive >= 0.0.1 | 2.84K |
Optional dependency |
Automatic_Train_Painter >= 0.0.1 | 89.0K |
Optional dependency |
auto-research >= 0.0.1 | 54.7K |
Optional dependency |
AutoTrash >= 0.0.1 | 41.2K |
Optional dependency |
BeltRouter >= 0.0.1 | 27.4K |
Optional dependency |
beltSorter >= 0.0.1 | 39.0K |
Optional dependency |
BetterAlertArrows >= 0.0.1 | 16.9K |
Optional dependency |
Big_Brother >= 0.0.1 | 87.0K |
Optional dependency |
Bluebuild >= 0.0.1 | 6.06K |
Optional dependency |
blueprint_flip_and_turn >= 0.0.1 | 51.2K |
Optional dependency |
BlueprintTools >= 0.0.1 | 21.1K |
Optional dependency |
botReplacer >= 0.0.1 | 31.3K |
Optional dependency |
Bottleneck >= 0.0.1 | 239K |
Optional dependency |
BottleneckLite >= 0.0.1 | 130K |
Optional dependency |
CleanFloor >= 0.0.1 | 63.0K |
Optional dependency |
clock >= 0.0.1 | 49.5K |
Optional dependency |
Companion_Drones >= 0.0.1 | 74.1K |
Optional dependency |
Crafting_Speed_Research >= 0.0.1 | 60.3K |
Optional dependency |
CursorEnhancements >= 1.1.0 | 36.7K |
Optional dependency |
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders >= 0.0.1 | 97.6K |
Optional dependency |
deadlock-experiments >= 0.0.1 | 3.15K |
Optional dependency |
deadlock-integrations >= 0.0.1 | 33.1K |
Optional dependency |
DeadlockResearchNotifications >= 0.0.1 | 5.77K |
Optional dependency |
DeadlockStackingForVanilla >= 0.0.1 | 16.8K |
Optional dependency |
DeathMarkers >= 0.0.1 | 19.0K |
Optional dependency |
DeepMine >= 0.0.1 | 14.1K |
Optional dependency |
Diggs >= 0.0.1 | 7.97K |
Optional dependency |
EditorExtensions >= 0.0.1 | 75.5K |
Optional dependency |
equipment-gantry >= 0.0.1 | 252K |
Optional dependency |
even-distribution >= 0.0.1 | 370K |
Optional dependency |
event-listener >= 0.0.1 | 7.11K |
Optional dependency |
EvoGUI >= 0.0.1 | 107K |
Optional dependency |
Factorissimo2 >= 0.0.1 | 219K |
Optional dependency |
FARL >= 0.0.1 | 47.1K |
Optional dependency |
Flare-Stack-edited >= 0.0.1 | 2.92K |
Optional dependency |
flib >= 0.0.1 | 785K |
Optional dependency |
Flow Control >= 0.0.1 | 181K |
Optional dependency |
Fluidless_Mining_and_Ore_Washing >= 0.0.1 | 1.11K |
Optional dependency |
FluidMustFlow >= 0.0.1 | 163K |
Optional dependency |
FluidWagonColorMask >= 0.0.1 | 60.6K |
Optional dependency |
FNEI >= 0.0.1 | 298K |
Optional dependency |
GDIW >= 0.0.1 | 47.2K |
Optional dependency |
GUI_Unifyer >= 0.0.1 | 49.6K |
Optional dependency |
HandyHands >= 0.0.1 | 9.92K |
Optional dependency |
HelicopterRevival >= 0.0.1 | 74.1K |
Optional dependency |
helmod >= 0.0.1 | 402K |
Optional dependency |
Honk >= 0.0.1 | 90.9K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
Induction Charging >= 0.0.1 | 22.0K |
Optional dependency |
informatron >= 0.0.1 | 566K |
Optional dependency |
inventory-repair >= 0.0.1 | 66.4K |
Optional dependency |
jetpack >= 0.0.1 | 560K |
Optional dependency |
Larger stack Size >= 0.0.1 | 8.34K |
Optional dependency |
LightedPolesPlus >= 0.0.1 | 87.8K |
Optional dependency |
lightorio >= 0.0.1 | 31.4K |
Optional dependency |
LoaderRedux >= 0.0.1 | 112K |
Optional dependency |
LogisticTrainNetwork >= 0.0.1 | 249K |
Optional dependency |
LTN_Combinator_Modernized >= 0.0.1 | 87.4K |
Optional dependency |
LTN_Content_Reader >= 0.0.1 | 45.9K |
Optional dependency |
LtnManager >= 0.0.1 | 101K |
Optional dependency |
Milestones >= 0.0.1 | 244K |
Optional dependency |
miniloader >= 0.0.1 | 189K |
Optional dependency |
Mining_Drones >= 0.0.1 | 93.4K |
Optional dependency |
miningdrones_aaiminer >= 0.0.1 | 8.18K |
Optional dependency |
MiscLib >= 0.0.1 | 33.3K |
Optional dependency |
ModuleInserter >= 0.0.1 | 136K |
Optional dependency |
MouseOverConstruction >= 0.0.1 | 11.3K |
Optional dependency |
Nanobots >= 0.0.1 | 184K |
Optional dependency |
Noxys_StackSizeMultiplier >= 0.0.1 | 8.86K |
Optional dependency |
OreEraser >= 0.0.1 | 23.1K |
Optional dependency |
osm-lib >= 0.0.1 | 23.2K |
Optional dependency |
PipeVisualizer >= 0.0.1 | 85.2K |
Optional dependency |
Placeables >= 0.0.1 | 10.1K |
Optional dependency |
PlacementGuide >= 0.0.1 | 1.65K |
Optional dependency |
pollution-detector >= 0.0.1 | 1.17K |
Optional dependency |
power-grid-comb >= 0.0.1 | 63.8K |
Optional dependency |
prismatic-belts >= 0.0.1 | 14.9K |
Optional dependency |
Quantum_Warehousing >= 0.0.1 | 2.73K |
Optional dependency |
QuickbarTemplates >= 0.0.1 | 8.11K |
Optional dependency |
QuickItemSearch >= 0.0.1 | 57.7K |
Optional dependency |
railloader >= 0.0.1 | 57.4K |
Optional dependency |
RateCalculator >= 0.0.1 | 226K |
Optional dependency |
Raven >= 0.0.1 | 20.3K |
Optional dependency |
ReStack >= 0.0.1 | 26.5K |
Optional dependency |
RealisticFusionPower >= 0.0.1 | 28.5K |
Optional dependency |
RecipeBook >= 0.0.1 | 203K |
Optional dependency |
Repair_Turret >= 0.0.1 | 91.8K |
Optional dependency |
reskins-compatibility >= 0.0.1 | 95.5K |
Optional dependency |
reskins-library >= 0.0.1 | 113K |
Optional dependency |
reverse-factory >= 0.0.1 | 59.6K |
Optional dependency |
robot_attrition >= 0.0.1 | 483K |
Optional dependency |
Robot_Battery_Research >= 0.0.1 | 85.9K |
Optional dependency |
Rocket-Silo-Construction >= 0.0.1 | 37.0K |
Optional dependency |
rso-mod >= 0.0.1 | 141K |
Optional dependency |
rusty-locale >= 0.0.1 | 70.6K |
Optional dependency |
SantasNixieTubeDisplay >= 0.0.1 | 28.1K |
Optional dependency |
scan-rocket-with-radars >= 0.0.1 | 3.47K |
Optional dependency |
show_my_damage >= 0.0.1 | 867 |
Optional dependency |
smart-belt-immunity >= 0.0.1 | 2.09K |
Optional dependency |
SpaceMod >= 0.0.1 | 99.9K |
Optional dependency |
spawner-alert >= 0.0.1 | 2.21K |
Optional dependency |
spidertrontiers >= 0.0.1 | 15.0K |
Optional dependency |
Squeak Through >= 0.0.1 | 464K |
Optional dependency |
StatsGui >= 0.0.1 | 108K |
Optional dependency |
stdlib >= 0.0.1 | 398K |
Optional dependency |
TaskList >= 0.0.1 | 53.6K |
Optional dependency |
TheFatController >= 0.0.1 | 18.7K |
Optional dependency |
Train_Control_Signals >= 0.0.1 | 25.5K |
Optional dependency |
TrainGroups >= 0.0.1 | 29.2K |
Optional dependency |
Transport_Drones >= 0.0.1 | 76.1K |
Optional dependency |
UltimateBelts >= 0.0.1 | 52.6K |
Optional dependency |
UltimateBeltsSmartFix >= 0.0.1 | 6.43K |
Optional dependency |
Unit_Control >= 0.0.1 | 30.2K |
Optional dependency |
VacuumCleaner (Invalid: Failed to find mod) >= 0.0.1 | - |
Optional dependency |
Vehicle_Radar >= 0.0.1 | 3.73K |
Optional dependency |
VehicleSnap >= 0.0.1 | 230K |
Optional dependency |
vtk-armor-reach >= 0.0.1 | 9.64K |
Optional dependency |
Warehousing >= 0.0.1 | 192K |
Optional dependency |
WireShortcuts >= 0.0.1 | 42.3K |
Optional dependency |
YARM >= 0.0.1 | 132K |