Reserved - Organize your factory before construction

You have several signs to quick put in your factory to organize it before building. Now with tiles for better accuracy in the space reserved.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g How do I delete stuff?

5 years ago

Basicly I put down one of the orginization things and now I have no idea how I can delete the marker later so it looks nice. Please help as it is really ugly if you're trying to focus on what you're building.

5 years ago

Hi Amprage! It's not working when you try to mine with right mouse button? it's suppose to work like a chest, that you put and remove... You have to mine in the center for a time, and you get the reserved image back to your inventory

5 years ago

i tried it and could remove the signs, but with one different problem: since they don't stack, i quickly fill my inventory with them after removing a big smelter area or a bus. can you please make them stackable? and since they are intended for purely cosmetic reasons, there should also be no need to limit stacksize to 1, 5, or 10, but they could just stack "unlimited" (eg 100 or 400)

to not mix them up with "real" items in the inventory, the icons in the craft window and in the inventory could/should get some variation: no need to create new icons, but please give some tint to the icons (that's just 2 or 3 lines of code) to easily see that it's a "iron-area marker" and not an iron plate.

and finally another suggestion: these signs nicely fit in a square of the grid, eg for my gridbased train system that consists of 3x3 gridblocks for each "cell" i can mark either all 9 or just the center. but when i plan other things like a smeltery or science production, i often build them only half a gridcell wide and two or more gridcells long.
for other people would it be too much work if you just halve the size of the signs so that a grid cell needs 4 signs to cover it completely? that also would allow easy marking of other shapes, eg a big starter smeltery with 1 copper row (1x4 signs), 2 iron rows (2x4 signs) and one shorter but wider steel row (2x2 signs). the most extreme case i encountered with some test setup: a row of 128 assemblers to make green circuits which was only half a gridcell high but 16 gridcells long :-)
on the other hand, we still can use the old vanilla method of making one blueprint and putting that one down, and thus at the same time also having exact dimensions and not only a general layout

5 years ago

Nice Anson... i change the stack and the icons for better identifications.... i'm thinking in making a tile... I will work on a type of reserved that are a tile and that way you can put the size you want... and even combine with this BIG signs... i will try to do it today!

5 years ago

I am unable to delete reserved tiles as well. I am using a Mac High Sierra 10.13.6. No mining time bar pops up and just holding right mouse button down for a time does not do anything.

5 years ago

You have to use the tile, like the concrete, to remove... And the Big images, you have to delete the center of it.

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