Picker Dollies

by Nexela

Move most placed entities quickly and easily.

1 year, 4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

i a little more guidance on where to call `add_blacklist_name` from

a month ago

on the readme it says:

In addition a remote api to disallow moving of an entity is available:

to me it felt as though it belonged in on_load, i had the names i wished to blacklist already defined in a global so during development it loaded that just fine, but ofc people updating would run on_load first before on_init or on_configuration_changed have had a chance so its nil, and on_load cannot access game anyways.

ehmm so what i'm trying to say, perhaps mention that the blacklist code "only needs to run once since the mod remembers the name for as long as that entity name remains valid" so that it's a little more clear on first glance that it doesn't belong in on_load but merely within init and configuration changed

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