Old Ores

by CynAtom

Shiny metal and non-metal ore from Factorio 0.16. Configurable.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g 1.1

3 years ago

Do you intend to update for Factorio 1.1?

I'm removing mods that are no longer developed from my supported list for "RealisticOres" but if you update to 1.1, just inform me and I'll add it right back in.

3 years ago

Yes. But i do not know for now what i should change. Only version?

3 years ago

And, yes. 16 days ago was your message. I'm so fast XD

3 years ago

I was thinking. Maybe you will insert this function as an optional feature inside your mod, so as not to depend on mine? I think it will be much more convenient.

3 years ago

Maybe the version number will suffice. They may be some changes to some textures which didn't have mipmaps before and now they have or have higher resolution now. I don't remember which ones were changed. You can look into game files to see how the vanilla textures look or just try to run the mod and see if it works.

Maybe it would be more convenient to have all the features as one mod or maybe it wouldn't. However, my mod has very specific and narrow scope and I intend to keep it that way. I personally think it is easier for players to just install mods with only the features they like instead of installing one mod and configuring everything in options. It's also clearer for people who want to join multiplayer if they can see the list of mods to determine how the gameplay is changed.

Ping me when the new version is uploaded. I'll update my side after I confirm it still works.

3 years ago

Ping me when the new version is uploaded. I'll update my side after I confirm it still works.

Done. Technically, now half of my mod consists of your mod. Because uranium. XD

3 years ago

I'm in the middle of doing another project RN so I'll do this after.

Btw, the code you've copied was donated by MasterBuilder so thank him :-)

3 years ago

The main thing is to work. And it works.

3 years ago

I finally got to it. Done.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Btw, you don't have to have 4 copies of each texture if they are identical. You can do what I do in line 12 of my "ores-retexture.lua" and just remove the numbers from file names to have them all lead to the same file.

newTexturePath,changes = string.gsub(newTexturePath, "^(__OldOre__/.*)-[0-9]%.png$", "%1.png")

3 years ago

Oh yes? Did not know. In any case, it (mod) is not that big, so as they say, it works - don't touch it. XD

In general, a question arose. You said how to reduce the amount. Can I then increase the amount?

3 years ago

Sorry, I don't get it. I don't recall saying anything like that.

New response