Nine Inch Nails Ambient Soundtrack (Base)

Adds 69 (1-9) instrumental tracks for your listening pleasure. Many thanks to Trent Reznor for releasing all his music as creative commons in multi-tracks and allowing the creation of this

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g why indicated as modded?

3 years ago

Why do these tracks cause the game to be marked "modded"? (I was under the impression that mods that don't affect gameplay mechanics would allow a game-save to retain "vanilla" status.)

3 years ago

It's just the nature of any mods in the mod portal.

Any mod will affect the "vanilla" status.

I suppose you could download it, unzip and rewrite the LUA script to use the base game sound file and then move all the oggs to the sound folder. But that's outside the scope of what many would be willing to do. YMMV if you try it.

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