Miner's Modpack

Contains dependencies on the modpack that Minerofmillions is playing. Enjoy!

Mod packs
2 years ago
This mod 66 From other mods 10
Dependency types:
Default 66 Required 66 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 9.11M
base -
AngelBob 38.6K
angelsaddons-cab 77.0K
angelsaddons-mobility 88.6K
angelsaddons-storage 167K
angelsbioprocessing 176K
angelsindustries 101K
angelsinfiniteores 106K
angelspetrochem 197K
angelsrefining 201K
angelssmelting 192K
auto-research 54.5K
AutoDeconstruct 265K
beautiful_bridge_railway 49.5K
beautiful_bridge_railway_bob_fix_updated_new 3.53K
bobassembly 256K
bobelectronics 239K
bobenemies 243K
bobequipment 223K
bobgreenhouse 171K
bobinserters 328K
boblibrary 388K
boblogistics 287K
bobmining 252K
bobmodules 230K
bobores 253K
bobplates 251K
bobpower 261K
bobrevamp 215K
bobtech 230K
bobvehicleequipment 180K
bobwarfare 258K
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear 19.2K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals 17.9K
Clowns-Nuclear 23.9K
Clowns-Processing 21.7K
Clowns-Science 14.6K
CompressedFluids 12.1K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 97.3K
deadlock-integrations 33.0K
DeadlockStackingForAngels 10.0K
DeadlockStackingForBobs 12.1K
DeadlockStackingForMadclown_MdRuz 586
deadlock_stacked_recipes 7.47K
factoryplanner 230K
flib 782K
FuelTrainStop 51.7K
Load-Furn-2 45.5K
LoaderRedux 112K
LogisticTrainNetwork 248K
LSlib 59.8K
LtnManager 100K
MicroFurnaceWipMod 8.55K
OutpostPlanner1-1 34.1K
PlannerCore1-1 38.0K
power-grid-comb 63.5K
PressurizedFluidsAngelsBridge 813
railloader 57.2K
RailSignalPlanner 22.7K
recursive-blueprints 29.5K
rso-mod 141K
rusty-locale 70.2K
Squeak Through 462K
Stacked_Mining 4.57K
FactorIO 4.40K
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v1.1.1)