Krastorio 2 Automated Artillery

Changes the artillery wagon, such that it now has the same range for manual and automatic firing.

2 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Updating

3 years ago


Really likes the mods, it really helps clearing out biters. But do you have any plans on updating it to work with 1.1.X?

Thanks in advance.

3 years ago

yeah i will try to keep the mod up to date.
What exactly is your problem with it right now? As far is i can see it, the mod works fine, with the newer versions.

A well know source of issues, is when you have other self added mods in the modpack, that try to adjust artillery as well, they will override than.

2 years ago

So the mod should be up to date again. Please notifiy me, if this changes in the future.

New response