Calculator-relevant Data Exporter to JSON

Gathers set amount of data during data-final-fixes phase, allowing it to also retrieve icon paths. Currently gathers set bits of data regarding recipes, items, fluids, assembling machines, furnaces, mining drills, offshore pumps, modules and item groups. The JSON export is contained in Factorio's log, so you'll still need to automate some form of extraction from there. Not relevant for data in this export (as of time of writing), but some values in data.raw use infinity. The JSON parses used converts this to `(-)inf` as a value, which is invalid JSON. Make sure to perform a simple replace on this to something sensible for your usecase, eg. 0 or "inf".

1 year, 11 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

g mining-drill.allowed-effects wrong type

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

In exported data for burner mining drill, allowed-effects is an empty object ({}). It should be an empty array instead ([]).

1 year, 11 months ago

In LUA there is functionally no difference between a table (i.e. object) and arrays/lists. I could assume all empty objects are lists, but I'd have to double-check if that won't cause more harm than it will do good.
Another option would be to specifically check for empty objects and just remove them entirely, which happens all over the place.

Can't tell what the ETA of the fix will be.

New response