Category Integrations for 5Dim

Compatibity extension for various other mods to sort their items into the 5Dim categories.

1 year, 8 months ago
This mod 38 From other mods 12
Dependency types:
Default 38 Required 2 Conflict 0 Optional 36 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 3.85M
5dim_core >= 1.1.8 47.1K
aai-industry >= 0.5.9 508K
aai-singal-transmission (Invalid: Failed to find mod) >= 0.4.4 -
AfraidOfTheDark >= 1.1.1 170K
base >= 1.1.0 -
belt-balancer >= 3.0.0 49.6K
Big-Monsters >= 1.1.8 27.1K
bzaluminum >= 0.4.19 27.8K
bzcarbon >= 0.5.5 30.1K
bzchlorine >= 0.0.10 19.1K
bzfoundry >= 0.2.9 28.9K
bzgas >= 0.1.8 26.1K
bzlead >= 1.2.16 41.3K
bzsilicon >= 0.11.7 29.1K
bztin >= 0.1.8 24.3K
bztitanium >= 1.2.10 43.5K
bztungsten >= 0.7.6 29.5K
bzzirconium >= 0.6.13 28.3K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders >= 2.4.1 97.6K
Dectorio >= 0.12.2 70.6K
Electric Furnaces >= 2.4.11 57.9K
Flare Stack >= 2.2.10 82.5K
jetpack >= 0.2.6 559K
Krastorio2 >= 1.1.4 331K
modmashsplinterunderground >= 1.1.30 8.53K
Noxys_Waterfill >= 0.4.1 27.5K
railloader >= 1.1.4 57.4K
RampantArsenal >= 1.0.5 149K
RPGsystem >= 1.1.1 112K
SantasNixieTubeDisplay >= 0.1.12 28.0K
shield-projector >= 0.1.2 501K
space-exploration-postprocess >= 0.5.21 469K
spidertron-extended >= 0.3.9 69.4K
spidertrontiers >= 0.2.18 15.0K
StoneWaterWell >= 1.20.1 37.6K
TinyStart >= 1.1.0 25.8K
train-pubsub >= 1.1.4 16.5K
TSM-outpost-builder >= 1.1.0 1.06K
Last dependency data update: 15 minutes ago (for v1.1.8)