Subsurface - build beneath your base!

by Natha

Adds the ability to dig the underground, move item and fluids between surfaces and blow away pollution.

11 days ago
Environment Mining

i aai miners

2 months ago

getting the miners to actually look at the walls let alone mine them is incredibly frustrating and so micromanage heavy its both less work and faster doing it by hand. implementing some way of actually automating or even meaningfully speedingup &/or decreasing the time and attention needed to actually excavate an area larger than a hanfull of chunks would be very nice.

2 months ago

For now, they use the engine of AAI Programmable Vehicles to dispatch them to specific locations

a month ago

wich would be fine if only the pathing for them made it reasonably easy to consistently have them actually mine the walls sadly so far after a fair amount of testing they at best actually mine the wall without breaking in some way like 50% out of 70% of the time

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