Subsurface - build beneath your base!

by Natha

Adds the ability to dig the underground, move item and fluids between surfaces and blow away pollution.

8 days ago
Environment Mining


Version: 1.0.9
Date: 2024-05-08
    - Added item elevator for each belt tier
    - Heat elevator
    - resources are now mirrored to the first level (this is likely to be changed in the future)
    - Removed rock explosives, subsurface walls are now destroyable like cliffs
    - Fixed crash when other mods create surfaces without map gen settings
    - Fixed that repair packs couldn't be used on air vents
    - Fixed bug that AAI miners didn't work on other planet's subsurfaces
    - Fixed crash when deleting subsurfaces that itself have subsurfaces
Version: 1.0.8
Date: 2024-04-18
    - Cave sealing
    - Surface drill can be reused
    - Entrances and exits show an indicator in minimap
    - Works now with mods that alter autoplace control prototypes (like Omnimatter)
    - Fixed that AAI miners got damaged or even destroyed
    - Fixed crash when using Unit Remote Controller with non-AI miners on the surface
    - Fixed crash when player changed cursor stack while in spectator mode
    - Fixed crash when connecting to an existing output item elevator
    - Fixed crash when drilling for second underground layer finishes with SpaceExploration active
Version: 1.0.7
Date: 2024-04-03
    - Added setting that disables manipulation of existing autoplace settings. Need to be set before generation
    - Item and fluid elevator are now one item and require setup in both places
    - Item elevator now behaves like an underground belt, all connections need checkup after update!
    - Decreased size of fluid elevator to 1x1, so pipe connections have to be rebuilt
    - Lamps of supports glow only when there is enough electricity
    - Fixed bug that players still stuck in entrances
Version: 1.0.6
Date: 2024-03-26
    - Machines got damaged when pollution is too high
    - Wooden supports which replace the use of electric poles in subsurfaces
    - Tunnel entrances are now just holes
    - Maps now generate as they are supposed to (
    - Fixed crash when used with YARM and resourcehighlighter
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 2024-03-03
    - Better implementaton of resource generator which can be manipulated by mods by implementing the "subsurface_make_autoplace_controls" remote function
    - Surface drill can be connected to the circuit network
    - Fixed mod loading error when graphics resolution settings are normal
    - Surface drill is now blueprintable and deconstructable
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2024-02-28
    - Subsurfaces now generate resources based on given autoplace settings, it's also possible to prevent resources from being generated on top surfaces
    - New item 'rock explosives' that can be used to expose the underground, but it causes pollution
    - The ore prospector is a machine that detects resource patches in the subsurface below
    - A small cutscene is shown when teleporting between subsurfaces
    - Surface drill now acts as a regular miming drill and excavates more stone in deeper levels
    - The deeper, the richer the ore patches are
    - Miners now produce pollution while mining
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2024-02-13
    - AAI miners can now dig automatically (but still not very good). They stop if their inventory is full
    - Number of subsurfaces can now be limited
    - Subsurfaces now adopt radius from Space Exploration planets
    - Locomotive pollution is now disableable
    - Fixed crash when mods add locomotives without burner prototype
    - Fixed crash when mods add new cliffs
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2024-02-07
    - Map limits are now adopted to subsurfaces
    - Players suffocate if there is too much pollution
    - Locomotives now produce pollution (not only in the underground)
    - There is a small light cone beneath air vents
    - Pinging locations into chat (Ctrl+Alt+Left mouse by default) also pings these locations in the subsurface and oversurface to mark building positions
    - Air vents are less effective in deeper subsurfaces
    - Rocket silos can't be placed in subsurfaces (of course!)
    - Subsurface walls now look like rocks and areas are exposed in a circular shape
    - Cliff explosives can be thrown even when there are no cliffs near, because they can be used to blow away subsurface walls
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2024-01-23
    - Tunnel entrances and exists can't be mined
    - New tunnel entrances can't be digged near existing ones
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2024-01-20
    - Support for AAI Miners to dig the underground
    - Basic recipes and technology
    - Fluid elevators now pump fluid instead of just averaging between them
    - Fluid elevators can't be mixed with different fluids
    - Each side of a fluid elevators has 10k fluid capacity
    - Entity and item descriptions
    - Tunnel entrance and exit are undestroyable
Version: 0.0.2
Date: 2024-01-20
    - Added air vents and pollution handling
    - Item and fluid elevators can only built on positions where the subsurface is already exposed and not occupied by existing entities
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2024-01-16
    - First release with basic features