Mushroom Cloud

by Arcitos

Better nuke graphics, light effects and sounds. Supports many other mods, including Krastorio 2

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Modded nukes

6 years ago

Does this replace the nuke explosion effect? How does this work?

6 years ago

This mod modifies the vanilla nuclear explosion action only slightly. It just contains a few more effects (needed for the mushroom cloud effect). Additionally, it adds a trigger, that will be catched by the mod script in order to play the explosion sounds for every individual player.

6 years ago

Sounds good. Any chance of adding compatibility with atomic artillery?

6 years ago

Yes, compatibility with most of other nuclear weapons mods is planned.

6 years ago

Awesome. Thanks a bunch.

6 years ago

I made a mod with plutonium artillery shells and implemented support for your awesome mushroom clouds by myself. It works fine, but if you change some your references I'd have to adopt my code. I would really appreciate if you could add native support for our mod as well! (

6 years ago

No problem, i'll add native mod compatibility for Advanced Atomics in the next version.

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