Imperfect Storage

Storage logistics require more consideration. Chest capacities and stack sizes of mostly structures slashed, with adjusted Warehousing Mod storehouses and warehouses as a bulk alternative. Settings are available for those who find this too restrictive.

a month ago
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
a month ago
Latest Version:
0.1.1 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
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54 users

Intended for use with the Imperfection mod suite. Imperfect Storage makes storing all of your items a more significant concern for your factory. The other main goal is logical consistency, not realism. Vanilla examples; putting many chests inside an identical chest is just how inventory fundamentally works in Factorio, and I'm not trying to change that. On the other hand, a transport belt can hold 8 items laying on it more or less flat, but a chest occupying the same 1 meter by 1 meter of horizontal space can hold 48 stacks? You can stack locomotives but not a much smaller car? Chunks of raw ore occupy the same amount of space as big electrical poles or entire furnaces to smelt said ore? I think this was likely done in vanilla based largely on how often an item is used, rather than how much space it would reasonably take up. Imperfect Storage takes the approach of asking how it would look if items took a reasonable amount of space relative to each other.

Make It Make Sense, in other words. Specifics:

  • Stack sizes are in most cases nerfed, esp. those for structures, particularly large ones. Some items, such as fuels, actually can now fit more in a stack however. If you want to store a lot of large buildings, you'll need more space to do it.

  • Chest inventory sizes are slashed drastically. They are no longer a viable bulk storage option, useful rather only for more modest amounts needed locally.

  • To accomodate larger amounts of bulk storage needs, 3x3 Storehouses and 6x6 Warehouses allow for much more capacity, and the Storehouses have been moved earlier in the tech tree to the invention of steel to avoid the nerf to chests being too painful; they are relatively expensive at that point but this ensures there will be reasonable options available.

  • A considerable number of settings are available for those who may disagree with the balance decisions I've made.

Future Possibilities

Having belts and chests take damage periodically if items of extreme size are placed on them, such as reactors, silos, and the like.

Suggestions are always welcome.


  • Warehousing Mod (Anoyomouse, dgw, and others) is required for the Storehouses and Warehouses. MIT License. Adjustments have been made for balance purposes.