Team Competition

Adds 19 PVP/PVE scenarios. Includes tons of admin options, diplomacy, team management, survival waves, a market system, and some solo compatible modes.

a month ago
0.18 - 1.1
This mod 11 From other mods 9
Dependency types:
Default 10 Required 2 Conflict 2 Optional 6 Hidden 1
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 783K
base >= 1.1.0 -
factorio-crash-site 22.4K
Warp-Drive-Machine >= 0.1.35 1.82K
territory_claim >= 1.1.0 1.34K
RPGsystem >= 1.3.0 104K
implant_camera 6.29K
space-exploration 447K
IndustrialRevolution3 51.5K
rso-mod 137K
DeleteEmptyChunks 12.0K
Last dependency data update: 11 hours ago (for v1.5.7)