Stack Combinator

by modo_lv

An arithmetic combinator that performs stack size multiplication/division/rounding on item signals. Features signal inversion and output display, compatible with Picker Dollies and Nullius.

3 months ago
Circuit network

b [βœ”] Stack Combinators sometimes freeze their output

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

I have experienced some issues with stack combinator outputs freezing up after a few hours of play, although I have not been able to explicitly replicate it. A restart usually fixes it, but a lot has to go wrong for me to notice it in the first place. This freeze is global and even applies to newly placed combinators, almost like the logic handling them suddenly stopped working.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

I forgot to add, I'm running modified K2SE and the latest version of Stack Combinator

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Unfortunately I don't know when I'll return to Factorio and Stack Combinator. In the meantime:

  • Try the latest 1.2 version instead. The only thing that's changed in 1.3 was optimization, which may be the the cause of the issue, so you won't be losing any functionality or bugfixes.

  • If you manage to get a working test example, it would help a lot. A bug that only shows up after hours of running sounds extremely difficult to debug without additional data.

1 year, 1 month ago

I am aware that what I provided doesn't really help for debugging. As I said, reloading fixes it, so somehow getting a save with it seems impossible. I guess I could update this if I figure out any one event that seems to be causing it.

1 year, 1 month ago

Same issue here, SE and a bunch of other mods are installed. Reloading does indeed fix it.

1 year, 1 month ago

I'm no lua/modding expert, but looking at the code, the stuff in runtime.lua for updating self.update_index seems wrong (line 50). I think that line should just be self.update_index = (i + 1) % #self.update_queue, though this shouldn't cause the issue. I suspect the issue might be because if you end up rebuilding the update queue, you really should be rebuilding your global combinators too

1 year, 9 days ago

Just want to give this a bump, since I'm also having this issue. Playing with K2/SE as well

1 year, 9 days ago
(updated 1 year, 9 days ago)

I had this issue with them stop working when used on SE Space Ships. I only noticed because it caused my ship automation to fail, when looking into it they were frozen and outputting nonsense.
After some fiddling around I noticed that they stop working and freeze instantly after a space ship lands / takes of. I was going to look into that but never had the time and simply replaced the few stack inserters on my ships with regular combinators doing the same thing. This was several months ago, I just got reminded about it when it was brought up in conversation and thought I'd drop this here.

Technically what happens when a space ship launches or lands is a clone of the entities involved in the space ship onto a different surface before the original is destroyed.

11 months ago

ive had it happen without changing scene. but it could have been from it being destroyed by asteroid then rebuilt or something like that.

I stopped using them since it made my logistic unreliable, but when i did notice the issue it was usually permanent until id delete and manually replace the combinator then rehook the wires.

I think its a similar issue to the transformator mod where the core object has sub object as part of it that get added / removed at the same time when placed in a normal fashion, but when its built from a ghost post destruction, they end up not being added back so the functionality break down.

9 months ago

This issue also happens to me, my rail network relies extensively on stack combinators to work so it mysteriously breaking sometimes is not ideal. Looks like at least for now reloading the save fixes it.

9 months ago

Yep, also experiencing the issue. :/ It seems to happen at quasi-random, and I think it freezes all stack combinators. Did anyone confirm if downgrading to 1.2 fixed the issue?

8 months ago

Hi I can confirm that this bug still exists on the 1.3 branch on spaceship launch and that the 1.2 version works without needing to save and load to reset the error.

4 months ago

This should now be fixed since 1.3.4.

New response