Mining patch planner

by rimbas

Adds a planner that designs a mining drill layout for a resource patch.

a month ago
Mining Blueprints

g What does the Advanced Settings button do?

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

When I push the advanced settings button on the planner settings dialog, I see no visual interaction occurring, everything remains the same (other than the gear being highlighted)

1 year, 6 months ago

Nothing at the moment, it is/was an attempt to keep the GUI from getting too busy with options not everyone needs. Previously it would show layout, some miscellaneous settings. Buuut I noticed people missed that I added toggles for things because I hid them behind advanced options.
It's slightly confusing, but leaving it to do nothing was better than removing it because I still want to use it for some things.

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