
by therax

Compact and UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders. Works with train cargo wagons, circuits, filters, and modded belts from Bob's, Krastorio, FactorioExtended Plus, Space Exploration, and Ultimate Belts.

8 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Miniloaders not requiring research

10 months ago

I had the chute from the start and unlocked the miniloader and filter miniloader with the ‘Logistics’ research. I have yet to research stack inserters, despite this part of the mod’s description:

‘Miniloaders require stack inserter research, are relatively expensive to build, and consume approximately the power of two fully-upgraded stack inserters.’

I was fairly disappointed in Miniloader, as I find it to be highly unbalanced. It’s an extremely well-made mod – don’t get me wrong! But even the chute is overpowered, especially with its cheap price, and it’s available from the start. Why isn’t this gated behind research when the description says it is?

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