Brave New OARC Scenario

This mod is a scenario that overhauls multiplayer merging Brave New World and OARC for an awesome single player / multiplayer game. There are many notable additions and stability changes. This mod supports for Krastorio2, Space Block, Sea Block, Alien modules, Freight Forwarding, DangOreus, Ender Linked Chests, Scrap Resources, many remote modifications to these mods to improve gameplay. Much thanks to OARC and Canidae/Omnifarious - authors of the original OARC and Brave New World.

22 days ago
Environment Logistic network

g Plans

4 months ago

Some changes planned:
Space Block
1) If spawn in character mode - do NOT remove some of the research like Military, Car.
2) In both BNO and Character remove - gun-turret, explosives, repair-pack, laser, steel-axe, landfill (landfill is already provided)

I've completed a full play through of Space Block in Character mode. I didn't modify it to provide any of the items above, and didn't add any vehicle mods - like my favorite Lex-aircraft. So walking on my landfill was required - all the way to the silo. But all played well. I decided to add some items back into the researchable items for character mode.

Next is looking into Krastorio2 as character - but a slight detour to look at Bumble-bots mod.

4 months ago

I rebalanced the items you get in each mode:
Space Block gets some items that other modes don't.
Normal BNO game in character mode - does not get much, only enough to get started, which would be normal - no logistic boxes, 1/5 the number of bots. The idea is the character is the logistic box and can craft so can make all the items it takes an assembler for BNO mode to make. Having any bots at all at the start of a game is just a luxury - you can get them to do ALOT of work for you if you setup logistics in your armor. You start with 4 red circuits - so make 4 boxes. In every mode - a player will get 4 red circuits - even if you already have 4 of each box. A character player will get the 4 yellow boxes, but also will be able to make 4 boxes of their choice.

Krastorio2 support Character and BNO modes in 4.2.25. The BNO player gets 2 bio labs and research done for bio mass growing. A character player does not. If you play in Character mode - you get NOTHING ! Brew hah hah ! It's normal Factorio, but a Brave New Player that has to play in Lazy Bastard mode, and can move ALOT faster and gets loads of resources to start.

4 months ago

Krastorio - Wonderful Krastorio.
BUG - Creep was not forming on the ground as you would expect in Krastorio2. FINALLY I found out why. Creep is by default set only on Nauvis Surface. But in Oarc we play on Oarc surface. So I was providing free bio labs and the bio-mas research. NOW - I can turn on creep on the oarc surface. Awesome Krastorio provides an interface (api call) to turn on/off creep. So I turn it off on Nauvis, to save gpu/memory, and on on oarc surface. Works like a charm.

Update due any day now.
To turn CREEP on in your game - in version 4.2.24 or earlier - use:
/kr-set-creep-on-surface game.surfaces["oarc"].index true
/kr-set-creep-on-surface game.surfaces["nauvis"].index false

This will be done automagically within the next release.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

BUG found: Fixed in 4.2.26 release - instructions on how to fix in a savefile in changelog file.

Caused when a player loses (main roboport destroyed) then immediately exits the game. This is fixed in pending release.

I want to send a notification when someones base is being over run. I have ideas on how I want to do this and still respect players right to not be too embarrassed. The last couple of guys who were in trouble and lost their base, could have been helped.

4 months ago

4.2.27 provides the fix for Krastorio - creep, and support for SeaBlock.
I've not done a complete missile launch run through of SeaBlock, but am currently playing as the BNO player, while a few others are playing as character. I think you'll find playing SeaBlock as character easier than BNO player. Your first major chore as BNO player is to squeeze the 100 wood pellets to make fuel. You are not able to continuously make wood, like a character player. But it's do-able, although it'll require you don't delay.
- Use the 10 Electrolysis buildings to make slag,
- don't drop the boiler or steam engine until you make another type of fuel, drop all the solar and deal with some nightly black outs.
- You need to make copper to get research, you have 2 labs, drop them - make gears and copper, from the line of items needed to make iron/copper.
- You have two algae farms, but you can't use them until the research is completed.
- BOX everything, so excess of any one thing doesn't stop production.
- process the green algae into Cellulose Fiber, That into Wood Pellets, that into Wood Bricks and that into charcoal.
- I used charcoal to fuel my base. Later I made four arboretum's to make trees and that to make wood.
- I added six algae farms to my one
- Washing plants will provide the mud needed for landfill and trees via composter of the brown algae - which you boxed earlier, Then Soil+seed+tree+saw blade to make wood.

Good Luck

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Updates to plans for SeaBlock.
- Add 2 assemblers to BNO players
- Add 300 Wood Pellets to BNO players - there is a slight risk of deadlock if you don't have enough fuel to get to wood making
- Add one tree seed to BNO players as trees are randomly placed and may be outside your reach
- Trying to figure out a way to make iron a bit easier in early game, as it's quite painful to get to sulphur processing with the trickle of iron at start. I may add more iron to the boxes for BNO players. Character player needs to suffer :)

4 months ago

4.2.28 has one instability causing a random crash. It has to due with the radio buttons in the GUI to choose Character or BNO player. These radio buttons have some logic behind them forcing them to remain in the mode selected by the first player on the team/force. They enable you to choose character/bno player, if you are first to start/join a team/force. I've had random crash's which is not yet debugged - occuring on players joining a team.

New response