Brave New OARC Scenario

This mod is a scenario that overhauls multiplayer merging Brave New World and OARC for an awesome single player / multiplayer game. There are many notable additions and stability changes. This mod supports for Krastorio2, Space Block, Sea Block, Alien modules, Freight Forwarding, DangOreus, Ender Linked Chests, Scrap Resources, many remote modifications to these mods to improve gameplay. Much thanks to OARC and Canidae/Omnifarious - authors of the original OARC and Brave New World.

22 days ago
Environment Logistic network

g Error after launch teh Rocket

8 months ago

i got this error after launch the rocket
Error while running event level::on_rocket_launched (ID 10) attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback: in function 'RocketLaunchEvent'
...Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:185: in function <...Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:184>

7 months ago

What version are you playing with?
Latest is 4.2.09.

Are you playing with any other mods ?

That code is unlocking technologies after you successfully launch a rocket - congrats BTW. No small feat !

I'll do some testing on the latest version, thanks for reporting.


7 months ago

I play with Latest version, I play with a lot of other mods. I have the Dyson sphere Mod and when i launch my rocket i don't have any errors. I think that the error is only with the satelliite inside.

7 months ago

I'll do some testing. I'm working on integrating Space Block, but will take time to try and reproduce this, IF I know what mods you are playing with. If you have a save game prior to launch, that would save me hours.

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

One quick work around, edit the config.lua and change:

If you are mid game, and admin you can:
/sc global.ocfg.lock_goodies_rocket_launch=false

Then you would have to enable the locked techs:
force.technologies[techName].enabled = true

For each techName: "atomic-bomb", "artillery"
and enable recipes for "speed-module-3"
/sc recipes["speed-module-3"].enabled = true

Atomic bomb is fairly useless but artillery is very useful in this mod.

Give me a few minutes and I'll post the actual commands to unlock tech and enable recipes

7 months ago

Works doing One


/sc global.ocfg.lock_goodies_rocket_launch=false and ingame


7 months ago

OK - full set of commands to enable technologies and recipes in the middle of a game.
4 commands - 2 only print every player and their status, 2 enable the technologies and recipes. use the print a second time to confirm the change.

/sc for name,player in pairs(game.players) do game.print(name .. " " .. .. " technology: artillery " .. tostring(player.force.technologies["artillery"].enabled)) end

/sc for name,player in pairs(game.players) do player.force.technologies["artillery"].enabled=true end

/sc for name,player in pairs(game.players) do game.print(name .. " " .. .. " recipes: speed-module-3 " .. tostring(["speed-module-3"].enabled)) end

/sc for name,player in pairs(game.players) do player.force.technologies["speed-module-3"].enabled=true end

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

If you want that to be secret, change game.print to log and look in the log file for the results.

This does not enable "atomic-bomb" - that would be a technology, and hardly useful in this mod, but you could enable it along with artillery.

7 months ago

FYI - and this is a lame reply, I will look into this further, but it's a request for help. I've been playing on the deathworld server we host, and no issues with launching. If there is more details you can provide, and specifically a save game, prior to launching would be really helpful. I'll setup a game prior to launch and save, but this may not result in anything more than what I've seen already - no crash.

The hardest thing to find is what I call a race condition. For example - a launch occurs just as a regrowth event triggers. Some other mod also does something at launch. Commands are typed that change how things work, or some unstated event occurs. I really need your help to help me find the issue.

The line of code you provided, is my enumerating through locked technologies and recipes, and enabling them. Like how the code above does. This code is in every version of Oarc, and works without flaw. So this is somewhat of a mystery and although there certainly could be an issue. My just launching a missile may not help me find this problem.

New response