Brave New OARC Scenario

This mod is a scenario that overhauls multiplayer merging Brave New World and OARC for an awesome single player / multiplayer game. There are many notable additions and stability changes. This mod supports for Krastorio2, Space Block, Sea Block, Alien modules, Freight Forwarding, DangOreus, Ender Linked Chests, Scrap Resources, many remote modifications to these mods to improve gameplay. Much thanks to OARC and Canidae/Omnifarious - authors of the original OARC and Brave New World.

22 days ago
Environment Logistic network

a 4.2.07-4.2.08 Releases 6-24 to 6-25

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 11 months ago)

I've been looking for a solution to a crash that occurs when someone joins. I scoured the code and found nothing, then a user that worked with me (SilverSnake) said he MOVED his character in the 0,0 spawn location and it all came together. There is an event to trap character movement, this enforces the boundaries in the game. It looks at a data array that is not created until you spawn in your base, and THAT was the issue. The old code worked only for the first player because Brave New World only ever has one Force playing, but Brave New Oarc has many forces. If the first player joins his own force, subsequent players could cause this crash. DOH - Fixed in 4.2.08.

Transport Drones mod running with BNO, causes transports to explode. This is the same issue as the exploding bots, which I have fixed. This is also fixed.
Added Transport drones as a supported mod.
I did some profiling since we played a game with about 7 or 8 players and once we got pretty big - everyone with extra roboports, the game became jittery. The cause is both "World Eater" a part of regrowth and reclaiming parts of the world that need to be covered up to save on cpu load, and Shared Energy. Each of these have loops that run 60 times per second. I will reduce their load, but in the interim, as admin,you can type: /sc global.world_eater_disable=true

World Eater removes abandoned buildings, radars from players that have left the game. It collects a list of chunks that later will be restored to it's previous state, if it's never been scanned by radar. It USED to blow up bots, and remove transports in transport_drones mod - that is fixed. Then it looks for items and chunks of land that were owned by abandoned players. Each chunk is checked slowly over time and maked with a timer, or marked permanent so as not to remove items on the map that are not to be removed. It's pretty awesome code that reclaims parts of the map. I do recommend on a big game to turn it off, in the late game. If you have alot of players joining and quiting - turn it ON, then wait an hour and turn it off. I might add a feature that does that automatically, or better let's you run a routine to do it over a couple seconds and be done with it. If I can't reduce it's load, I'll make a menu selection for CLEAN UP.

1 year, 6 days ago

Found an issue with the LARGE map, which is double the size of the normal map size. After four of us played for a bunch of hours others could not join. I found this was due to how I handled spawning in what is called an UNSAFE area. This is a spawn that can occur if the area is not scanned or generated, and this is more likely to occur in a huge map. I found and fixed this, and pending release.

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