Brave New OARC Scenario

This mod is a scenario that overhauls multiplayer merging Brave New World and OARC for an awesome single player / multiplayer game. There are many notable additions and stability changes. This mod supports for Krastorio2, Space Block, Sea Block, Alien modules, Freight Forwarding, DangOreus, Ender Linked Chests, Scrap Resources, many remote modifications to these mods to improve gameplay. Much thanks to OARC and Canidae/Omnifarious - authors of the original OARC and Brave New World.

22 days ago
Environment Logistic network

a 4.2.00 release Feb 1, 2023

1 year, 4 months ago

I found a bug - and if you run into this bug before I release 4.20, send me a note. I can fix it in your save-file.
I'll need more time testing this before I release it. Most likely the only change will be this bug fix.

The Bug: Many hours into the game, the game crashes reporting an invalid entity in dropItems.
Once it fails, a restart MIGHT fix the problem, but really it's a specific scenario that causes the failure that will eventually occur after playing for many house.
If you see this issue - send me a note and it'll light a fire under my butt to make this release.

1 year, 4 months ago

I've been chasing bugs. I had inadvertently added a bug right at missile launch. I tried to add the new larger roboport to the researchable items, but have not yet made that an item you can use. So save before launching - I will hopefully get this release out very soon. Lots of testing completed. The age old crash that I've been chasing for a while is found and fixed in 4.2.00 release.

The bug: Seems to be around stone being added to an inventory, but the entity trying to add the item to their inventory is either a ghost or some non-entity. OK - sounds nutty, but these last bugs are gonna be tough ones. I can safely check if the entity we're asking to drop items is really an entity and not a ghost-entity. The ghost entity tends to happen when you drop a roboport on stone. The stone entity happens to me when I'm fighting biters, I suspect that I'm standing near stone when a biter destroys it, and this results in an inventory change event. Anyway - I have alot more to learn about all this, and am coming up to speed pretty quickly.

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