Magic Mod

by Kanorn

Magic Expansion Mod - WIP Version Updates Update 0.3.4 : Added Midgame crystal crafting recipe Overview This mod introduces magical elements, expanding gameplay with a new science category, advanced building tiers, and alternative resource acquisition methods without traditional mining.

a month ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

g help

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Good morning,
I don't understand what the 2 objects I put in the photo are for. If you have Discord I will send them to you because it is impossible to send a photo. I managed to do it at the factory but I don't know what it's for.
the yellow round ball is called " Fire augment" and the little wheel is called " Magic gears "
what is it for?
Thank you so much

a month ago

the yellow round ball is called " Fire augment" and the little wheel is called " Magic gears "


a month ago

Fire augment is item that you should put into inventory
Magic gears is crafting material

a month ago

Good morning,
I am sending you photos of the problems I encounter with my robots.
They stay put and they have more battery.
my robots stay on site with the equipment and no longer move.
and impossible to do anything, they are everywhere on my immobile map

Discord is invalid

a month ago

It can be issue with your robot network. you can have too many robots or too small item storage

a month ago

sometimes normal robots are stuck due stw like cliff that they cant destroy and they freeze at place

a month ago

and now i see i didnt set speed_multiplier_when_out_of_energy default is 0 ill tweak it

a month ago

Thanks for your feedback

a month ago

great ! everything is working.

a month ago


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