
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Transport Belt connection not working with very fast belts

Hey there, got a small issue with your mod there.

I'm using the better infrastructure mod to boost my transport belt speed quite a bit, however, i noticed very fast belts arent working anymore with the new factories (the old ones did)
When the speed is too high, only 2 units of stuff (2 iron for example, if both sides of the belt are filled) will go through every like... 5 seconds.

I can work around this by placing a slower belt at each end, but its still kinda irritating.

Is this something that can be fixed without breaking stuff performancewise?

7 years ago

I'll fix that in the update for 0.15.

New response