We Play: Angel + Bobs Mods

Customized modpack/play-stuff. Angel + Bobs mods with Artisanal Reskins and some other stuff.

Mod packs
10 months ago
This mod 102 From other mods 2
Dependency types:
Default 102 Required 98 Conflict 1 Optional 3 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 12.9M
boblibrary 389K
bobinserters 328K
boblogistics 288K
bobpower 262K
bobwarfare 258K
bobassembly 257K
bobores 253K
bobplates 251K
bobmining 253K
bobenemies 244K
bobelectronics 240K
bobtech 230K
bobmodules 231K
bobrevamp 215K
bobvehicleequipment 180K
bobgreenhouse 171K
bobequipment 223K
angelsrefining 201K
angelspetrochem 197K
angelssmelting 193K
angelsbioprocessing 176K
angelsindustries 102K
angelsaddons-storage 167K
angelsaddons-mobility 88.7K
angelsaddons-cab 77.1K
reskins-library 112K
reskins-bobs 107K
reskins-angels 98.4K
reskins-compatibility 95.2K
jetpack 558K
Atomic_Overhaul 5.01K
Geothermal 27.4K
AutomaticStationNames 2.13K
BigBags 41.4K
ChangeMapSettings 43.7K
chest-auto-sort 23.3K
CleanedConcrete 31.6K
CreativeItems 17.2K
filter_assistant 1.97K
FilterChests 19.8K
helmod 401K
Kux-ProductionRates 3.46K
mining-patch-planner 76.7K
ModuleInserterER 11.6K
Oil_Based_Paint 3.50K
OreEraser 23.0K
PipeVisualizer 84.7K
power-grid-comb 63.7K
pump 42.3K
puppy-jetpack-ui 4.72K
show-max-underground-distance 72.1K
sonaxaton-research-queue 48.3K
Soundpack-alerts-and-sirens-updated-v1-1 4.29K
Shortcuts-ick 43.1K
StatsGui 107K
TaskList 53.3K
TrainModeSwitcher 8.44K
WireShortcuts 42.1K
aai-containers 498K
Warehousing 191K
aai-signal-transmission 498K
copy-paste-recipe-signals-to-combinator 5.97K
crafting_combinator_xeraph 7.97K
FactorIO 4.41K
fcpu 9.49K
glutenfree-aai-signal-transmission-preview 8.64K
LogisticRequestManager 27.9K
LogisticTrainNetwork 248K
Long_Range_Delivery_Drones 22.8K
LtnManager 100K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 87.1K
nixie-tubes 65.2K
SchallVirtualSignal 5.17K
stack-combinator 16.8K
aai-vehicles-ironclad 193K
cargo-ships 207K
electric-shuttle-train 4.27K
ShuttleTrainRefresh 4.17K
belt-balancer-performance 31.0K
miniloader 188K
more-miniloaders 11.6K
underground-pipe-pack 38.5K
DisplayPlates 31.8K
EvenMoreTextPlates 15.3K
Flare Stack 82.4K
FluidMustFlow 163K
safefill 32.9K
smr-on-built-entity-fix 872
textplates 262K
beltSorter 38.9K
osha_safety 2.02K
naked-rails_se 6.67K
Common-Industries 4.61K
DragonIndustries 99.0K
flib 783K
rusty-locale 70.4K
simhelper 425K
stdlib 397K
boblogistics-belt-reskin 22.6K
bobclasses 93.1K
angelsinfiniteores 106K
angelsexploration 51.7K
Last dependency data update: 18 hours ago (for v0.0.6)