We Play: Angel + Bobs Mods

Customized modpack/play-stuff. Angel + Bobs mods with Artisanal Reskins and some other stuff.

Mod packs
10 months ago
This mod 102 From other mods 2
Dependency types:
Default 102 Required 98 Conflict 1 Optional 3 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 12.9M
aai-containers 498K
aai-signal-transmission 498K
aai-vehicles-ironclad 193K
angelsaddons-cab 77.1K
angelsaddons-mobility 88.7K
angelsaddons-storage 167K
angelsbioprocessing 176K
angelsexploration 51.7K
angelsindustries 102K
angelsinfiniteores 106K
angelspetrochem 197K
angelsrefining 201K
angelssmelting 193K
Atomic_Overhaul 5.01K
AutomaticStationNames 2.13K
belt-balancer-performance 31.0K
beltSorter 38.9K
BigBags 41.4K
bobassembly 257K
bobclasses 93.1K
bobelectronics 240K
bobenemies 244K
bobequipment 223K
bobgreenhouse 171K
bobinserters 328K
boblibrary 389K
boblogistics 288K
boblogistics-belt-reskin 22.6K
bobmining 253K
bobmodules 231K
bobores 253K
bobplates 251K
bobpower 262K
bobrevamp 215K
bobtech 230K
bobvehicleequipment 180K
bobwarfare 258K
cargo-ships 207K
ChangeMapSettings 43.7K
chest-auto-sort 23.3K
CleanedConcrete 31.6K
Common-Industries 4.61K
copy-paste-recipe-signals-to-combinator 5.97K
crafting_combinator_xeraph 7.97K
CreativeItems 17.2K
DisplayPlates 31.8K
DragonIndustries 99.0K
electric-shuttle-train 4.27K
EvenMoreTextPlates 15.3K
FactorIO 4.41K
fcpu 9.49K
filter_assistant 1.97K
FilterChests 19.8K
Flare Stack 82.4K
flib 783K
FluidMustFlow 163K
Geothermal 27.4K
glutenfree-aai-signal-transmission-preview 8.64K
helmod 401K
jetpack 558K
Kux-ProductionRates 3.46K
LogisticRequestManager 27.9K
LogisticTrainNetwork 248K
Long_Range_Delivery_Drones 22.8K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 87.1K
LtnManager 100K
miniloader 188K
mining-patch-planner 76.7K
ModuleInserterER 11.6K
more-miniloaders 11.6K
naked-rails_se 6.67K
nixie-tubes 65.2K
Oil_Based_Paint 3.50K
OreEraser 23.0K
osha_safety 2.02K
PipeVisualizer 84.7K
power-grid-comb 63.7K
pump 42.3K
puppy-jetpack-ui 4.72K
reskins-angels 98.4K
reskins-bobs 107K
reskins-compatibility 95.2K
reskins-library 112K
rusty-locale 70.4K
safefill 32.9K
SchallVirtualSignal 5.17K
Shortcuts-ick 43.1K
show-max-underground-distance 72.1K
ShuttleTrainRefresh 4.17K
simhelper 425K
smr-on-built-entity-fix 872
sonaxaton-research-queue 48.3K
Soundpack-alerts-and-sirens-updated-v1-1 4.29K
stack-combinator 16.8K
StatsGui 107K
stdlib 397K
TaskList 53.3K
textplates 262K
TrainModeSwitcher 8.44K
underground-pipe-pack 38.5K
Warehousing 191K
WireShortcuts 42.1K
Last dependency data update: 19 hours ago (for v0.0.6)