Cracked compatibility with [Modpack]

These mods can't be auto-downloaded as dependencies on 1.0. I made it for "compability" with another modpack. Factorio devs won't fix it. This mod will always exist because of some mod devs doesn't care about it at all although it's not really their fault but it as it's now.

Mod packs
3 years ago
This mod 33 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 33 Required 33 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 1.73M
Autofilter 1.19K
BeastFinder 14.5K
bullet-trails 389K
LessUnplugged_bud 1.96K
module-requestor 1.94K
more-minimap-autohide-017 14.2K
Renamer 7.42K
Tapeline 39.8K
textplates 262K
Turbwhine 1.21K
UI_Hotkeys 7.43K
VehicleSnap 229K
LJD_Vehicles_A16 4.49K
upgrade-planner-next 20.5K
CompressedFluids 12.1K
IndustrialDisplayPlates 15.6K
nixie-tubes 65.1K
EpicArtillerySounds 65.9K
CorpseFlare 1.52K
Simple_Circuit_Trains 1.21K
Automatic_Coupling_System 4.25K
packing-tape 10.9K
LargeLamp 10.5K
PickerVehicles 3.86K
stdlib 397K
PickerAtheneum 29.3K
inventory-repair 66.1K
Placeables 10.0K
PickerPipeTools 6.61K
ColorCodedPlanners 4.56K
accumulator-wagon 10.2K
walkable-beacons 2.79K
TurboBike 14.5K
Last dependency data update: 9 hours ago (for v0.0.4)