Timspeedle's curated list of gameplay-altering mods

This modpack is a curated list of mods that I use to alter the gameplay of Factorio. Several of the more gameplay altering mods are listed as optional dependencies. This modpack introduces a couple of changes to the default configuration of the included mods. See the GitHub repo's README.md for detailed information.

Mod packs
5 months ago
This mod 38 From other mods 1
Dependency types:
Default 38 Required 35 Conflict 0 Optional 3 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 6.77M
aai-containers >= 0.2.11 528K
aai-industry >= 0.5.22 527K
aai-signal-transmission >= 0.4.9 520K
Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16 >= 0.6.13 78.5K
alien-biomes >= 0.6.8 620K
alien-biomes-hr-terrain >= 0.3.1 205K
artillery-bombardment-remote-reloaded >= 1.2.0 14.7K
base >= 1.1.0 -
Bio_Industries >= 1.1.18 54.5K
bobassembly >= 1.2.0 262K
bobinserters >= 1.2.0 350K
boblogistics >= 1.2.0 294K
bobmining >= 1.2.0 258K
botReplacer >= 1.1.2 32.3K
botReplacer-compatibility-fix >= 1.0.0 419
cargo-ships >= 0.2.6 224K
cargo-ships-graphics >= 0.2.1 220K
combat-mechanics-overhaul >= 0.6.24 302K
compaktcircuit >= 1.1.1 9.43K
cybersyn >= 1.3.0 30.2K
equipment-gantry >= 0.1.5 261K
even-distribution >= 1.0.10 423K
FluidMustFlow >= 1.3.5 179K
InserterFuelLeech >= 0.2.7 67.9K
miniloader >= 1.15.7 192K
More_Ammo >= 1.5.16 26.6K
Nanobots >= 3.2.19 188K
nixie-tubes >= 1.1.4 74.2K
puppy-bobs-logistics-fix >= 0.1.2 365
railloader >= 1.1.6 58.7K
Repair_Turret >= 1.0.3 105K
reskins-bobs >= 2.1.6 110K
Squeak Through >= 1.8.2 475K
train-upgrader >= 1.0.5 36.0K
underground-pipe-pack >= 1.1.2 41.1K
Last dependency data update: 17 hours ago (for v1.1.0)