Factorio Standard Library

by Nexela

The Factorio Standard Library is a project to bring Factorio modders high-quality, commonly-required utilities and tools.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1
This mod 1 From other mods 285
Dependency types:
Default 225 Required 261 Conflict 0 Optional 13 Hidden 11
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 994K
Nanobots >= 1.4.6 186K
pycoalprocessing >= 1.4.0 62.5K
pyindustry >= 1.4.0 62.1K
pypostprocessing >= 1.4.0 54.0K
Bio_Industries >= 1.4.6 53.7K
PickerDollies >= 1.4.6 51.2K
underground-pipe-pack >= 1.4.2 39.2K
PickerAtheneum >= 1.4.6 29.9K
PickerExtended >= 1.4.6 23.1K
upgrade-planner-next >= 1.4.6 20.8K
GhostOnWater >= 1.4.7 15.6K
enemyracemanager >= 1.4.8 13.1K
nanobots-start >= 1.4.6 10.6K
PickerInventoryTools >= 1.4.6 9.62K
PickerBeltTools >= 1.4.6 7.14K
UltraFastMagnecticInserterExtra >= 1.4.6 6.73K
PickerPipeTools >= 1.4.6 6.70K
PickerBlueprinter >= 1.4.6 5.97K
PickerTweaks >= 1.4.6 5.30K
Natural_Evolution_Buildings >= 1.4.0 5.19K
PickerVehicles >= 1.4.6 3.92K
Nanobots-with-settings >= 1.4.6 3.92K
pyresearch >= 1.4.0 3.14K
PickerFilterFill >= 1.4.6 2.97K
sniper-rifle >= 1.4.6 2.02K
InfiniteResearchCostTweaker >= 1.4.0 1.33K
Surfaces_API >= 1.4.8 1.32K
FoodIndustry >= 1.4.4 1.24K
Unichest >= 1.4.8 1.06K
Any_Japanise_Pack >= 1.4.8 945
Unipipe >= 1.4.8 876
pyfunctionnal_update >= 1.2.2 837
MomosTweak >= 1.4.5 816
sniper-rifle-improved >= 1.4.6 758
pyfunctionnal >= 1.2.2 740
PickerPipeTools_Revisited >= 1.4.6 674
industrial-instruments >= 1.4.7 665
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack >= 1.4.6 662
se-alkharid-mod-pack >= 1.4.7 539
modular_gamer_storage >= 1.4.0 536
ForkToggleMapEditor >= 1.4.8 535
Py_Fix_Research_TURD >= 1.4.0 525
MomoPyTweak >= 1.3.0 446
Kux-SmartLinkedChests >= 1.4.8 439
i-speak-for-the-trees-v2 >= 1.4.6 437
MyModPackMuit >= 0.0.3 421
All-The-Mods-Translated-BR >= 1.4.8 419
pyae_islands_pack >= 1.4.8 414
pyae_islands_beforepost >= 1.4.0 413
BraveNewWorkshop >= 1.0.0 381
Orbital Ion Cannon >= 1.4.0 374
sniper-rifle-plus >= 1.4.6 360
py-warehousing-resize >= 1.4.0 340
md-py-tweaks >= 1.4.0 306
jump-and-swing >= 0.1.0 297
Bio_Industries_Nerfed >= 1.4.6 285
Surfaces_Original >= 1.4.8 284
recepies-for-EditorExtentions >= 1.0.0 277
MD_Industrial_Revolution_2_modlist >= 1.4.6 260
vitauh-sniper-rifle >= 1.4.6 254
InsaneModpack >= 1.4.6 251
RobotWorldContinued_Fix_For_Py >= 1.4.0 248
l9m2-flyer-enemy >= 1.4.8 237
se-k2-buding >= 1.4.8 234
BABasedModpack >= 1.4.8 198
as2_pyanodons >= 1.4.8 182
Annotorio >= 1.2.2 180
NulliusBasedModpack >= 1.4.8 172
k2semsi-modpack >= 1.4.8 163
filter-combinator-improved >= 1.4.0 147
fiber-optics >= 1.4.0 140
karosieben_modpack >= 1.4.6 133
ltn-train-info >= 1.4.0 115
OpenTTD-OST >= 1.4.8 108
viktorious_modpack >= 1.4.8 95
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack-PATCH >= 1.4.6 95
ToggleMapEditor >= 1.1.0 82
All-The-Mods-Translated-BR-LTN-Pack >= 1.4.8 72
adams_mod >= 1.4.7 67
hvyassembly >= 1.0.0 66
fctrl-observers-mod >= 1.4.6 52
RequestsHalved >= 1.4.6 48
hypercursed >= 1.4.8 45
Control-tweaks >= 1.4.6 39
PickerEquipmentKeys >= 1.1.0 35
ElectricPriority >= 1.4.8 33
Kaimdrol-QOL-choices >= 1.4.8 25
All-The-Mods-Translated-BR-DyWorld-Pack >= 1.4.8 25
orbadon_mod_collection >= 1.4.7 23
Grenade-turret >= 1.2.2 22
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 1.4.7 21
upgrade-planner-instant >= 1.0.2 18
fctrl-observers-mod-rcon-fork >= 1.4.6 18
Nanobots_For_Diggy >= 1.0.0 16
Fission-and-Fusion >= 0.0.0 14
modular_storage >= 1.4.0 12
Research-Planner >= 1.4.0 12
abugslife >= 1.0.0 11
necro_painful_modpack >= 1.0.2 9
Pressure-Plate >= 1.2.2 9
AngelsBobsSelection >= 1.4.1 9
GridFuelManager >= 0.0.1 8
LootChestPlusPlus >= 1.2.2 8
Autopole >= 1.0.0 7
RoboportLandfill >= 1.2.0 7
pyborerrevert >= 1.0.0 7
pyscienceorganizer >= 1.0.0 6
ListingQueue >= 1.2.2 6
web-fixes >= 1.4.1 5
CircuitHUD-V2 > 0.4.3 7.58K
CircuitHUD > 0.4.3 16
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon 81.8K
reverse-factory 60.1K
stack-combinator 17.2K
py_mods_pack 15.0K
kry-inserters 12.5K
mini-machines 10.4K
fcpu 9.58K
martincitopants-space-modpack-2022 5.29K
martincitopants-space-modpack-2022 5.29K
ResourceLabelsUpdated 4.68K
bobangel2021 3.78K
xiuxian 2.92K
modpack-industrial-revolution-2 2.86K
micro-machines 2.81K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.15K
Cractorio_pack_optional 1.90K
Transport_Drones_Fuel_revived 1.85K
space-modpack 1.85K
brave-new-oarc 1.72K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.62K
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-IR3 1.61K
KrastorioModPack 1.50K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.38K
dupebox 1.31K
martincitopants-new-stream-modpack 1.23K
multiplayer-ui 1.21K
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack1 1.15K
dfb-OrbitalIonCannon 1.13K
dqol-resource-monitor 1.10K
simple-belt-brush 912
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack3 892
fCPU-SEFix-FixMem 873
ddd-evolution-indicator 850
PyAESoftcoreLogistics 836
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack4 821
Surfaces_Caves 771
warptorio2-tree-fix 769
ddd-player-list 738
rubber-ducky 730
kry-vehicle-grids 730
reskins-gray 684
chlew-welcome 643
kras_W2 579
chlew-ui 571
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack2 565
reverse-factory-aio-compat 556
musical-speaker 449
thenauvitian 434
k2se-pt 425
nightmares 397
Applied-Energistics-2 370
AllMods 313
kry-spidertron 299
Chens-modpack_bob-py-qol 282
cloning-vat 273
ProjectFactorio 215
UtilityTweaksPack 199
gesugaosan-modpack-general 184
kry-hand-cannon 181
TornBreezes_must_have_mods 172
wood-military 165
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 164
lucky-modpack 156
BetterFactorio 154
EternalIndustry 151
Patchwork_Stitching 150
Spacedestructor-Islands 150
ddd-floating-health 113
wood-logistics 107
musical-speaker-fixed 104
Transport-Tycoon-OST 103
ch-ei-pack 103
Workers-And-Resources-Soviet-Republic-OST 102
Jans_QOL_Pack 100
DaThomasSpacePack 97
Make-bugs 94
kry-inserters-5dim 85
jcrneep-space-modpack 83
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 81
k2-bob-customBR 71
Compressed_Extra_Utilities 68
robert-modpack 65
Any_Title_Japanise_Pack 63
wocpack2 62
VinnieMod 60
geekbattery-exotic-stuff 46
factmeup 44
factmeup 44
reversible-logistics 42
cryerysadWwt 36
iron-ore-to-suffur 36
factorio-sync-sound-manager 35
redhats-modpack 34
Bezierio 28
Improved_gameplay 28
yam_modpack_mithrahn 27
sztosz_qol 25
WePlayIR3Simple 25
sborochka-kot 22
salocraft 21
rafal-rubaj-modpack 20
verdeks-modpack 17
v0-18_nothing_v1-1 14
jiaonang-mod1 13
mezzo-streaming-modpack 13
IntoTheDeepEnd 9
To_The_Future 7
tvc_qrcode 7
dgflagg-todo-list 7
modders-stuff 6
gaurdein-vanilla 5
flamborio2 5
Last dependency data update: 13 hours ago (for v1.4.8)