Space Exploration

Build Cargo Rockets to launch stuff into space. Ride a rocket into space yourself and start spacewalking. Build an orbital space platform to develop difficult data-driven space science. Build a spaceship tile by tile, fly it from a planet surface to other planets, moon, asteroid belts, and more. Follow progress on

14 days ago
0.17 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Environment Manufacturing
This mod 70 From other mods 904
Dependency types:
Default 780 Required 432 Conflict 45 Optional 336 Hidden 91
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 970K
0xc355-k2se-tweaks >= 0.6.0 25
123499-SE-More-Items 50
248k_Compatibility_Fix 229
AAA-forSpaceExploration 90
aai-affordable-industry-se-compat 590
aai-loader-with-belt-research >= 0.6.119 689
Advanced_Fluid_Handling_DyWorld_Bridge 229
Advent-Engineers >= 0.6.116 49
AhavaFixes >= 0.1.90 6
aio_se_k2_fluid_permutations 2.84K
aivech-simple-spaceex 171
ak-se-rebalance >= 0.6 298
all-the-modportal 75
all-the-overhaul-modpack 6.62K
alvaros-minor-se-tweaks >= 0.6.112 17
andoryuu4-personal-modpack >= 0.6.90 41
ApollonSysK2SETweaks 40
AposNuclearBotsSE 58
archie-k2se-patches >= 0.6.103 993
arcosphere-easy-folding >= 0.5.56 1.32K
arcosphere-easy-folding_forked >= 0.6 448
art-house-tweaks 1.14K
as2_krastorio_SE >= 0.6.127 334
asj-modpack-space >= 0.5.52 136
AssemblerUPSGrade-SEFork >= 0.5.77 277
auto-targeting-ion-cannon 148
b-se-k2-integration >= 0.6.121 971
b-se-k2-integration-teq-fork >= 0.6.121 194
Ballasts_bolognese_modpack >= 0.2.5 42
Better_Asteroid_Mining >= 0.4 3.23K
bigbigmod 374
bigger-stacksize_plus >= 0.6.89 176
Blood-N-Wine-Factorio-Edition >= 0.6.108 127
BlueMod >= 0.6.0 23
boblogistic-space-ex-logistic-chest-balance >= 0.6.0 2.82K
build-everywhere >= 0.5.0 46
CasualSpaceExplorationSimplifiedFixed >= 0.5.84 2.19K
coal-vulcanite-conversion >= 0.5 208
Construction_Drones_Ost >= 0.6.108 693
core-fragment-balancer 60
core-mine-balancer-for-sek2bz >= 0.6.95 1.87K
CoreMineBalancerForK2SE >= 0.6.95 143
crafting-efficiency-2-se-k2 >= 0.6.139 78
cutils-space-productivity >= 0.4.26 44
DaThomasSpacePack >= 0.6.101 98
deadlock-addon-space >= 0.3.82 13
Deadlock-SE-bridge >= 0.5.12 28.6K
Deadlock-SE-bridge-ost >= 0.5.12 550
deep-core-fragment-balancer >= 0.6.95 4.20K
deep-storage-unit-se-fox 385
dmr-sesupport 164
early-3x3-electric-furnaces-se-compatibility-fix 214
early-omega-se 41
early-qol-tech 124
early-requester 547
Early-Spaceship >= 0.6.125 122
easier-space-exploration >= 0.4.51 17
easy-fuel >= 0.6.89 214
easy-lrf >= 0.6.89 1.37K
ECM-tweak >= 0.5.1 366
ECM-tweak-tweak >= 0.5.1 1.03K
ei-tanks-se-compat 111
electric-furnaces-space-exploration-fix >= 0.6.82 2.78K
ElectricTrain_SE_Tweaks 240
EndlessResourcesN2 >= 0.4.26 7
EndlessResourcesN3 >= 0.4.26 6
enforced-core-mining >= 0.5.1 396
Environmental_Science >= 0.4 993
ethanatos_mods_harmony >= 0.5.114 35
EthryansModpack 178
exfret_space_modmash 66
exotic-industries-se 2.76K
exploration_extreme_modpack >= 0.6.113 2.18K
factmeup 45
factorioplus_space_exploration_compatibility >= 0.5.43 36
flamborio2 5
FlareStack-SE >= 0.6.10 15.3K
FluidMustFlowSE >= 0.5.40 28.0K
FoodSpaceModmash 7
full-factory-spaceship-se >= 0.6 275
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-sek2 1.64K
geekbattery-space-odyssey >= 0.6.81 216
genpages-personal-modpack 5
glutenfree-circuit-network-events-demo 48
glutenfree-core-fragment-processing 278
glutenfree-emergency-burn 2.81K
glutenfree-se-addon-power-pole-subtile-snapper 559
glutenfree-se-rocket-launch-pad-label 16.3K
glutenfree-se-spaceship-juicebox 693
glutenfree-se-tinted-pyramids 1.31K
glutenfree-space-exploration-deconstruction-planr 588
hard-reset >= 0.6.134 302
high-pressure-pipes-se >= 0.6.10 291
Hiladdar-SE-compatibility >= 0.5 221
hmm-g-SEandK2 >= 0.6.101 4.38K
HopefulFiresModpack 60
hovercraft-compatibility-fixes 1.68K
iridium-construction-robots >= 0.6.99 261
j00lz-meme-mod 47
JBOD_In_Space >= 0.6.138 131
jcrneep-space-modpack 83
K2SE-fusion-rebalance 264
K2SE-higher-logistics >= 0.6 140
K2SE-laser-artillery >= 0.6 497
k2se-pt 429
k2se-return-of-supercomputing >= 0.6.78 319
K2SE-Sophia-Modpack 350
K2SE-superior-inserters >= 0.6 170
K2SE-tls-tweaks >= 0.6 199
k2se-wq 136
k2semsi-modpack >= 0.6.90 164
K2SETweaks 14.8K
kehrweeks-se-tweaks >= 0.3.0 56
KEPO-space-exploration-compat >= 0.4.21 5
kermitihouqlfmodpack >= 0.5.116 29
kinder-progression 38
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 0.6.82 21
klynwo-modpack 54
korhal-modpack-k2se 387
Kr2-AdvancedMatterProcessing >= 0.6.94 128
KraSpace >= 0.6.70 40
KrastorioModPack 1.51K
KrastorioSpaceExplorationTweaks 2.99K
kupil-mujik-shlyapu >= 0.6.0 33
LarkenxK2SETweaks 1.83K
LarkenxK2SETweaks_fixed 100
LazyNewbSE 126
LgksEvilModpack 6
liquid-ore-conversion-se 137
load-furn-2-space-exploration-fix >= 0.6.108 1.63K
LoaderRedux-SpaceExploration >= 0.6.86 7.65K
logistic-system-after-se-rocket-science 807
lordiii-space-exploration >= 0.6.113 148
lucky-modpack 157
Machines-in-space >= 0.6.130 124
MakeVitaGreenAgain 39
mart_test 19
martincitopants-new-stream-modpack 1.24K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-space-modpack-2022 5.31K
martincitopants-space-modpack-fixed-squared 8.32K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.15K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.39K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.62K
materials-easy-se >= 0.5.84 564
MeelocksEthryansModpack 20
MeteorDefenseFix >= 0.5.90 153
Minewolf_modpack >= 0.2.5 8
miniloaders-se-techfix >= 0.6 2.16K
Mining_Drones_Tiberium_SE_Patch >= 0.6 4.12K
MirroredRefineryRecipes >= 0.5.115 93
modpack-voyager >= 0.6.127 59
modpack_se_k2_bz_248k 6.40K
Moikkafication >= 0.2.1 32
More_Roboports_SE >= 0.6.94 634
MoreBarrels-SE >= 0.5.1 98
multiplanet >= 0.6.101 132
nco-SpaceScienceDelivery >= 0.3.82 2.00K
nco-SpaceShuttle >= 0.5.0 4.58K
Not-Enough-Paperclips >= 0.5 42
nulls-k2se-tweaks >= 0.6.121 166
OmegaDrill_MK2_SE 1.07K
ore_stacks_se >= 0.6.119 131
pedeeli-modpack-space-exploration 50
PipeMeterWLK-SE >= 0.6.10 106
plate-melting >= 0.6.130 22
plates-to-molten 52
psyanara-tweaks >= 0.6.138 30
rafal-rubaj-modpack 20
RainWorld-se-supercomputer-sound 73
rd-se-multiplayer-compat >= 0.5.37 258
RealisticFusionPower-KPatch >= 0.6.112 312
reverse-factory-postprocess 972
revert-loader-change 29
revert-voiding 117
rocket-log >= 0.6.79 47.7K
root-modulesRework-se 141
root-se-deliver-all 571
sborOchka-modpack 1.23K
sborOchka-modpack 1.23K
SchallAlienLoot_SE 188
SE-Aki >= 0.6.1 14
se-al >= 0.6.104 76
se-alkharid-mod-pack >= 0.6.82 551
se-annoyances >= 0.6.120 335
se-annoying-pipes >= 0.6 180
SE-arrange-list >= 0.6.0 266
se-automaticaly-un-and-pack-cargo-rocket-sections 117
se-bot-start >= 0.5 2.80K
se-bypass >= 0.6.134 70
se-cargo-rocket-construction-helper 1.11K
se-cargo-rocket-custom-fuel-lib 266
se-casting-recipes-in-kr2-advanced-furnace 193
se-cb-science 54
se-cheepskate-booster-tank 286
se-cme-combinator >= 0.6.0 12.7K
se-construction-pylon-show-orange-n-green-in-hand 273
se-core-miner-drill-output-inventories-are-linked 319
se-core-miner-drilling-mud 266
se-core-miner-drilling-mud-lite 230
se-core-miner-efficiency-updated-event 1.11K
se-core-miner-no-diminishing-returns 1.09K
se-core-miner-output-helper 10.9K
se-core-mining-nauvis >= 0.6.0 84
se-delivery-cannon-all-plate >= 0.6.119 118
SE-Delivery-Cannon-DeadlockStackingBridge >= 0.6.119 140
se-delivery-cannon-extract >= 0.6.119 99
se-delivery-cannon-factorycell-specific >= 0.6.119 193
se-delivery-cannon-GreenTec-virus >= 0.5.114 113
se-delivery-cannon-k2-antimatter >= 0.5.114 573
se-delivery-cannon-k2-antimatter < 0.6 573
se-direct-liquid-rocket-fuel >= 0.6.0 85
SE-EarlyRocketBoosters 38
SE-Easy-Arcospheres >= 0.6.119 79
SE-Empty-Barrel-Delivery >= 0.6.119 190
se-energy-beam-emitter-screensaver 114
se-engine-modules 79
se-fb-armor-resistance >= 0.6 95
SE-FireEverything 733
SE-fix-by-__Chelovek__ 80
se-flow-control-bridge 16.5K
se-fluid-permutations 145
se-fluid-permutations-productivity-fixer 251
SE-Gauss-Module 335
se-hand-mined-space-tiles-leave-no-deconstruction 60
se-interstellar-construction-requests-fulfillment 607
se-k2-bob-custom 629
SE-K2-BZ-Adjustments >= 0.6.108 273
SE-K2-opt-techcard-fix >= 0.3.119 10
se-k2-rebalance-fix 189
se-kiln-recipes-in-kr2-advanced-furnace 303
se-landfill-le >= 0.6.0 13.1K
SE-laser-turret-2 >= 0.6 362
se-little-inferno 1.01K
se-longhaul-cargorockets-can-only-launch-manually 84
se-lrf >= 0.6.0 196
se-lrf-f >= 0.6.0 50
se-lrf-trains 19
se-lrf_Rebalanced >= 0.6.0 57
se-ltn-glue >= 0.6.80 25.7K
se-ltn-next-upgrade-patch >= 0.6.0 642
se-memory-cell >= 0.6.127 126
se-module-icons-have-their-tier-number-the-corner 193
SE-more-tiers >= 0.6.0 595
SE-MoreFuelDelivery 396
se-no-core-fragments-on-nauvis 68
SE-no-pollution-in-space 10.8K
se-nuclear-fuel 279
SE-ores-integration 158
SE-PFR-fix 26.4K
se-pipelayer-beltlayer-fix >= 0.4.0 9
SE-PlasticSpaceRails 126
se-portable-booster-tank 121
se-prevent-accidental-generation-of-orbit-surface 245
se-radiation-freezing >= 0.6.99 303
se-rebalance_stargate >= 0.6.90 307
se-recipe-adjustment >= 0.6.125 24
se-recycling-extras 51.9K
se-research-scaling >= 0.6.119 35
se-research-tweaks 209
SE-RichSands >= 0.6.23 257
se-roboport-empty-space-place >= 0.6 325
se-rocket-fuel-tweaks >= 0.6.0 125
SE-RocketFuelRedux >= 0.6.138 36
se-sanity >= 0.6.119 116
se-scale-icon 1.83K
se-scanning-already-scanned-surface-recharts-it 756
SE-Science-Pack-delivery >= 0.6.119 276
se-science-scale 25.9K
se-see-info-about-the-newly-unlocked-zone-in-chat 279
se-signal-transmitter-new-channel-name-suggester 306
SE-SimpleResearch 476
SE-SimpleSupercomputers 344
se-simplified >= 0.6.104 1.02K
se-space-capsule-fast-travel 299
se-space-elevator-beam-me-up-scotty 507
se-space-loaders-can-reach-behind-spaceship-walls 218
se-space-pipe-circuit-connectable 504
se-spacepipe-does-not-require-a-huge-mall-anymore 208
se-spaceship-handbreak 274
se-spaceship-trip-fuel-consumption 1.44K
se-spm-technologies >= 0.6.0 1.07K
se-super-core-mining >= 0.6.0 321
SE-surge-electric-boiler >= 0.6.90 106
se-there-are-still-hostiles-detected 1.12K
se-universe-explorer-highlight-zones-new-to-you 612
se-universe-explorer-show-chunk-count 323
se-universe-explorer-sort-spaceship-by-id-vs-name 984
se-vanilla-electronic-circuit >= 0.5.39 527
se-virtual-signal-for-each-core-fragment 208
se-wtf 21
se-x1000-mods 65
se-z 752
se-zone-can-be-given-description-like-module-city 170
se-zone-id-combinator >= 0.6.0 361
SE248kfix 12.0K
se5d 10
se_allow_in_space >= 0.5.114 1.36K
SE_Belt_And_Pipe_Length_Adjustment >= 0.6.1 1.65K
SE_Cheaper_Floors 927
SE_Easier_Important_Research 1.14K
SE_faster_caster >= 0.6.50 2.11K
SE_interstellar_spawns >= 0.6.101 28
se_k2_fluid_permutations 9.42K
SE_liquid_reactor 1.65K
se_rocket_fuel_integrity 68
SE_smaller_rad_buffers 3.23K
SE_smooth_ship_walls 19.9K
SE_STARGATE >= 0.6.90 699
SE_Unbottle_Antimatter_QOL 111
se_vanilla_recipes_Altarin >= 0.5.39 1.34K
SE_xors_tweaks_casting_patched >= 0.6.50 227
SEBZFoundryFix >= 0.6.114 70
SEChanges >= 0.6.138 40
SeElectricTrain 732
sek2-constraint-relieves >= 0.6.138 124
SEK2-opt-card-tweak >= 0.5.1 44
sekrlocale >= 0.6.130 109
semc >= 0.5.84 1.48K
SENoMoreRocketMan >= 0.6 870
seoh >= 0.6 22.7K
seoh-fixed >= 0.5.84 8.46K
shiveros_nuclear_overhaul_for_SE >= 0.6.23 666
shiveros_scrap_platform_for_SE >= 0.6.23 431
simple-spaceex-Altarin 434
SmelterUPSGrade-SEFork >= 0.5.77 351
snad >= 0.5.80 54
sp55aa-modpack-space-exploration 164
space-ex-god-mod-patch 590
space-exp-earlier-logistics >= 0.2.4 1.72K
space-exp-earlier-logistics-fixed 602
space-exp-early-logistics-fix >= 0.2.4 429
space-exploration-aftermarket >= 0.6 569
space-exploration-belt-tweaks >= 0.5.24 1.72K
space-exploration-bobores-core 14
Space-Exploration-Botellucas >= 0.4.28 5
space-exploration-brasil-locale >= 0.5.72 585
space-exploration-bridge-mod >= 0.2.6 54
space-exploration-crafting-tweaks-modified 352
space-exploration-data-descriptions >= 0.6.0 268
space-exploration-derunih-rebalance >= 0.5.107 1.30K
space-exploration-extra-items >= 0.5.39 33.9K
space-exploration-german-locale >= 0.5.80 2.66K
space-exploration-integration-control-2 >= 0.1.84 20
space-exploration-jetpack-gui 2.72K
space-exploration-loves-bob >= 0.3.60 33
space-exploration-more-resources >= 0.6.70 248
Space-Exploration-N1rOo-modpack >= 0.6.108 665
Space-Exploration-Nuclear-Fuel-Delivery 1.73K
space-exploration-official-modpack >= 0.6.1 107K
space-exploration-pipe-qol 35.7K
space-exploration-pipes >= 0.5.24 4.73K
space-exploration-pipes-n-belts >= 0.5.24 23.8K
Space-Exploration-Rocket-Part-Delivery 3.74K
space-exploration-scripts 16.6K
space-exploration-smaller-fluid-buffers >= 0.6.131 67
space-exploration-spaceproductivity >= 0.4.26 4.15K
space-exploration-speedrun >= 0.6.108 289
space-exploration-stuff-k2-patch 1.01K
space-exploration-substation-replacement 28.5K
space-exploration-transform >= 0.6.0 196
space-factorissimo-lizard >= 0.6.0 659
space-factorissimo-updated >= 0.6.0 12.7K
space-factorissimo-updated-again >= 0.6.0 603
space-k2-recipe >= 0.6.0 213
space-labs-on-land >= 0.1.0 176
space-modpack 1.85K
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 83
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 165
space-on-land >= 0.1.0 1.30K
space-trains >= 0.5.01 3.93K
space_krastorio_2_fine_experience >= 0.3.130 45
Space_Stuff >= 0.6.0 58
Space_trains 17.8K
spacedansen >= 0.5.1 28
Spacedestructor-Space-Exploration-Modpack 932
Spacedestructor-UER-For-Space-Exploration 1.07K
SpaceExploration_Tweaks >= 0.6 51
SpaceExplorationCraftingTweaks 1.46K
spaceexplorationdatachipaugmenter >= 0.6.96 13.4K
SpaceExplorationResearchAdapter >= 0.6.125 154
spacefill-platform >= 0.6.138 51
Spacelabcore 244
spacelabrock 73
SpaceLoaderRedux 3.77K
SpaceModPack2023 983
SpaceScienceDelivery-fork 230
spaceship-start 103
spaceship-start-k2-patch 51
SpaceTweaks >= 0.6.119 528
SpeaceBlock 48
SpecializedFuelsSE >= 0.6.89 235
spexp_selection_view 60
spider-launcher 70
stargates-se >= 0.6.101 2.59K
StoneWaterWellAndSE >= 0.5.40 4.47K
StsSEK2BZmodpack >= 0.6.144 111
super-space-exploration-productivity >= 0.4.26 537
TA-Miners-SE-Patch 1.07K
taco-se-tweaks >= 0.6.113 43
TanksSEonlyTweaks 419
tempfix-se0_6-248k-oct2022 1.78K
the-anonymods 45
the-what 457
TheArcFurnace-Bridge 38
TheWizerModpack 69
TortelliniSpaceMod >= 0.5.78 299
TostsChest-SpaceExploration-Compatibility 17
TP-SE-fix 659
train-crash-facility >= 0.1.0 185
tsk_pack = 0.6.142 58
turbs-se-tweaks 85
ultra-serre >= 0.6.0 27
Unbounded-CoreMiners 161
unholy_legacy >= 0.5.103 414
Up_to_Space_Krastorio >= 0.6.117 322
upgradable-electric-furnace >= 0.4.26 464
uranium-fuel-delivery 59
useful-matter-se-k2 >= 0.6.87 295
valoneu-k2se-tweaks 50
vq-modpack-aai_se 843
weplay_se_kr_bz 516
WePlayClusterioInSpace 14
Worm-Underground-Space-Pipes >= 0.5.90 457
wret-endgame-level-4-techs 360
WSEK 340
XENO-NuclearFurnace-SE >= 0.6.82 530
XENO-Reverse-Factory-SE >= 0.6.82 788
XENO-TheArcFurnace-SE >= 0.6.82 724
yeet-labels >= 0.5.102 76
zone-combinator >= 0.6.119 256
Last dependency data update: 15 hours ago (for v0.6.145)