Brians Self-building factory AngelBob

A modpack with the specific versions of the mods for Brian's Self-building factory for angelbob (drive link:

Mod packs
6 months ago
Transportation Logistics Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power
This mod 39 From other mods 1
Dependency types:
Default 39 Required 33 Conflict 0 Optional 6 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 6.30M
boblibrary = 1.1.6 390K
bobinserters = 1.1.7 329K
boblogistics = 1.1.6 288K
bobpower = 1.1.7 262K
bobwarfare = 1.1.6 259K
bobassembly = 1.1.6 257K
bobores = 1.1.6 254K
bobmining = 1.1.6 253K
bobplates = 1.1.6 252K
LogisticTrainNetwork 249K
bobenemies = 1.1.6 244K
bobelectronics = 1.1.6 240K
bobmodules = 1.1.6 231K
bobtech = 1.1.6 231K
bobequipment = 1.1.6 223K
bobrevamp = 1.1.6 216K
angelsrefining = 0.12.4 201K
angelspetrochem = 0.9.24 198K
angelssmelting = 0.6.19 193K
Nanobots 184K
bobvehicleequipment = 1.1.6 181K
angelsbioprocessing = 0.7.24 176K
bobgreenhouse = 1.1.6 172K
LoaderRedux 112K
WideChests 108K
angelsinfiniteores = 0.9.10 106K
angelsindustries = 0.4.18 102K
Big_Brother 87.0K
angelsaddons-cab = 0.2.8 77.2K
auto-research 54.7K
LTN_Content_Reader 45.9K
themightygugi_longreach 34.0K
Noxys_Waterfill 27.5K
crafting_combinator 20.6K
WideChestsUnlimited 18.1K
GhostScanner 11.8K
Moar-Radar 9.46K
train-scaling 5.51K
base -
Last dependency data update: 18 hours ago (for v1.0.1)