Safe Waterfill

Create water like landfill, without destroying things on land. Unlike most waterfill mods, this will not destroy any land-based entities, like structures, resources, cliffs, trees, or yourself. Only land with nothing on it will be replaced. Offers a choice of 6 different types of water.

2 years ago
This mod 0 From other mods 33
Dependency types:
Default 13 Required 17 Conflict 1 Optional 5 Hidden 10
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 15.4K
nullius-momenti-modpack 9.83K
Cractorio_pack_optional 1.91K
Ubiquity >= 1.0.9 847
weplay_se_kr_bz 522
weplay_angelbobs 476
pyae_islands_pack 420
bigbigmod 410
ProjectFactorio 216
Ubiquity_Unstable >= 1.0.9 166
lucky-modpack 158
modpack-by-7 >= 1.0.10 152
ch-ei-pack 109
all-the-modportal 80
ET_s_Modpack >= 1.0.8 48
WePlayClusterioTestPack 27
Grado_ChangingBase 17
mezzo-streaming-modpack 14
Last dependency data update: 11 hours ago (for v1.0.11)