Rusty's Locale Utilities

A set of helper functions for resolving proper localised names and descriptions of prototypes, including recipes and items. There are also utilities for resolving prototype icons, because why not?

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1
This mod 0 From other mods 100
Dependency types:
Default 60 Required 83 Conflict 0 Optional 7 Hidden 10
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 149K
bzfoundry 29.4K
crafting_combinator 20.8K
DeadlockStackingForVanilla >= 1.0.14 16.9K
DeadlockStackingForBobs 12.2K
DeadlockStackingForAngels 10.1K
deadlock_stacked_recipes 7.56K
blueprint_reader >= 1.0.16 5.16K
PCs-Infinite-Ammo >= 1.0.16 4.06K
singleplayer_extreme_modpack >= 1.0.16 3.20K
DeadlockStackingForDeepCoreMining 3.17K
DeadlockStackingFor248k 2.99K
schmitts-modpack 2.71K
MD_SeKrCompatibility 2.68K
Roboport_Radar_Port >= 0.0.1 2.60K
multiplayer_extreme_modpack >= 1.0.16 2.33K
exploration_extreme_modpack >= 1.0.16 2.17K
Cractorio_pack_optional 1.90K
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-IR3 1.61K
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-sek2 1.45K
DeadlockStackingForPy2 1.41K
sborOchka-modpack 1.20K
AdvancedAssemblyMachineStandalone >= 1.0.16 1.16K
DeadlockStackingForMadclown 1.03K
DeadlocksStackingForAngelsSmeltingExtended 643
FIXED_angel-bob-clown-others-modpack 614
DeadlockStackingForMadclown_MdRuz 588
TSM-icons 514
weplay_se_kr_bz 511
weplay_angelbobs 469
DeadlockStackingForExoticIndustries 449
thenauvitian 434
Zolo-IR3-Modpack 411
bigbigmod 371
rogue_engineer 344
AllMods 313
DeadlockStackingForDMR 310
hard-reset >= 1.0.16 290
DeadlockStackingForZombiesExtended 286
MinersPack 262
InsaneModpack >= 1.0.16 251
DeadlockStackingForElectronicComponentPacking 228
ProjectFactorio 215
NibblePoker-AngelBob-Personnal-ModPack 209
DeadlocksStackingForOmnimatterMods 204
nihilistzsche_crafting_efficiency 203
MirrorUniverse 199
arcotorio 172
TSM-icons-248k-SE 163
DeadlockStackingForMoreScience 141
barrel-crafting 133
DeadlockStackingForNecromant 132
SingleChangeRecipes >= 1.0.16 129
LazyNewbSE 125
Item_Visuals_Randomizer 114
DeadlockStackingForIngredient_Scrap 111
mabik_full_pack = 1.0.16 89
MirrorUniverse-ammofix 80
all-the-modportal 69
exfret_space_modmash 65
wocpack2 62
DeadlockStackingForSPG 60
dj_mp_extreme >= 1.0.16 59
taylors_version 37
DeadlockStackingForISF 32
nksadmasmdm 27
yam_modpack_mithrahn 27
Roboport_Radar >= 0.0.1 24
sborochka-kot 22
salocraft 21
NikolaTeslaX-Pack-Greg 18
LazyNewbNotSE 14
BatteryPack >= 0.0.1 10
OR-Nodes >= 0.0.1 9
zzzzDeadlockStackingForIR 9
DeadlockStackingForDarkStar 9
HighlyDerivative >= 0.0.1 6
LoadedTurrets-0_18 >= 0.0.1 6
Pallets-updated >= 0.0.1 6
Its_A_Drone_World 5
Ubiquity >= 1.0.16 847
Ubiquity_Unstable >= 1.0.16 166
the_great_omniquest_hotfix 123
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v1.0.16)