Pyanodons Petroleum Handling

Adds realistic petrochemical processing into Factorio. Process bitumen hydrocarbons into hundreds of products and drill deep for underground oil deposits.

28 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing
This mod 10 From other mods 96
Dependency types:
Default 64 Required 35 Conflict 1 Optional 38 Hidden 22
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 75.3K
pyalienlife >= 3.0.0 62.5K
pymodpack >= 3.0.11 2.25K
pyfunctionnal >= 1.2.7 745
pylandblock >= 1.2.2 566
py-another-early-train >= 3.0.1 522
MomoPyTweak >= 1.5.8 454
py-early-trains >= 2.1.5 446
lks_py >= 1.9.0 397
py-early-trains-cheaper >= 2.1.5 160
CheapPyCicruitWires >= 2.1.5 114
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 1.9.7 77
Ballasts_bolognese_modpack >= 1.5.8 44
py-logistic-tweaks >= 1.5.7 12
py-car-tweak >= 1.5.8 11
py-al-rail-tweak >= 1.5.8 10
pyborerrevert >= 1.3.4 7
utweaks >= 1.9.0 6
MyModPackMuit = 2.0.6 422
nach0_modpack_py 1.06K
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack3 905
PyAESoftcoreLogistics 870
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack4 830
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack2 570
modpack_pyanodon 557
pyae_islands_pack 421
bigbigmod 416
pycranes 337
wocpack 324
amhpymenus 83
all-the-modportal 82
sp55aa-modpack-py 79
yam_modpack_mithrahn 30
Swiftdrake 22
LgksEvilModpack 7
DarksModpack 6
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v3.0.12)