Pyanodons Coal Processing

Extends and overhauls Factorio's burner phase. Use realistic oil and coal processes to create advanced products. Functions as the core and library for the rest of the pY mods.

29 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing
This mod 10 From other mods 143
Dependency types:
Default 107 Required 59 Conflict 10 Optional 52 Hidden 22
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 179K
pyfusionenergy >= 2.0.8 69.0K
pyrawores >= 3.0.26 65.5K
DeadlocksStackingForPyanadon >= 1.9.7 10.7K
bobsmodules4py >= 2.1.0 4.80K
PyCoalTBaA >= 2.1.5 4.68K
pyresearch >= 1.0.6 3.15K
productive_py >= 2.1.5 3.07K
pymodpack >= 3.0.28 2.32K
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack1 1.15K
nach0_modpack_py 1.06K
py-starterkit 1.01K
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack3 905
PyAESoftcoreLogistics 871
pyfunctionnal_update >= 1.3.5 843
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack4 830
UltimateBelts4Py >= 2.1.0 792
pyfunctionnal >= 1.3.5 745
miniloaders-cheaper-earlier 702
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack2 570
pylandblock >= 0.3.7 566
modpack_pyanodon 560
PyRawOres_Stacks >= 1.0.11 455
MomoPyTweak >= 1.4.9 454
MyModPackMuit = 1.9.3 422
pyae_islands_pack 421
bigbigmod 416
lks_py >= 1.8.5 397
early-pyport >= 1.0 395
pycranes 343
miniloaders-cheaper-earlier_fixed 337
wocpack 324
AllMods 316
Noxys4PyBlock >= 2.1.0 139
Pyalienlife_omniwood_fix >= 2.1.2 126
DeadlocksStackingForPyanadon-Modified >= 1.9.7 111
Paku-pYanodons-Tweaks >= 2.0.0 93
amhpymenus 85
all-the-modportal 82
sp55aa-modpack-py 79
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 1.8.7 77
zPyEarlyYellowMagazine >= 2.1.3 62
Ballasts_bolognese_modpack >= 1.5.0 44
yam_modpack_mithrahn 30
Swiftdrake 22
py-logistic-tweaks >= 1.5.0 12
pY-landfill-tweak >= 1.4.9 11
abugslife >= 1.0.16 11
py-car-tweak >= 1.4.9 11
py-al-rail-tweak >= 1.4.9 10
aai-industry-sp0 9
IntoTheDeepEnd 9
Minewolf_modpack >= 1.5.0 9
pyscience 7
PyQualityLife >= 1.0.13 7
LgksEvilModpack 7
pyscienceorganizer >= 1.3.0 6
DarksModpack 6
utweaks >= 1.8.3 6
Jonnys-Dp77-py-Fixes >= 1.0.13 5
Last dependency data update: 21 hours ago (for v3.0.30)