
A Pushbutton that emits the configured signal as a pulse when pressed.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0
This mod 1 From other mods 47
Dependency types:
Default 20 Required 24 Conflict 0 Optional 13 Hidden 10
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 3.87K
Space-Exploration-N1rOo-modpack >= 1.1.1 675
pyae_islands_pack 421
bigbigmod 416
vanilla-enhanced 384
nach0_modpack_compat 382
kangzoels-qol-modpack 341
StsSEK2BZmodpack >= 1.1.2 210
P3pp3rModpack_IR2 >= 1.1.0 198
LazyNewbSE 127
circuit-modpack >= 1.1.1 114
anentiresleeve-pack >= 1.1.0 90
all-the-modportal 82
pushbutton-recipe-fix 82
exfret_space_modmash 67
pedeeli-modpack-space-exploration 50
yam_modpack_mithrahn 30
srjvsk-qol 26
DD-QoL-ModPack 24
speshkitty-qol-pack 24
test_adams_mod >= 1.1.0 22
LazyNewbNotSE 16
easy-button 7
1ndispensables >= 1.1.1 44
Last dependency data update: 22 hours ago (for v2.0.4)