Sparr's QOL Modpack

by sparr

Mods that improve Quality of Life for the player without changing anything about what the character can accomplish in the game world.

Mod packs
10 months ago
This mod 71 From other mods 10
Dependency types:
Default 71 Required 60 Conflict 0 Optional 11 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 5.50M
auto_manual_mode 10.7K
AutoDeconstruct 265K
automatic-station-painter-continued 11.4K
Automatic_Train_Painter 88.4K
AutoTrash 41.0K
BeastFinder 14.5K
belt-brush 3.04K
belt-visualizer 53.0K
beltplanner-patched-18 2.59K
blueprint_flip_and_turn 50.9K
BlueprintTools 20.9K
BottleneckLite 129K
bullet-trails 388K
calculator-ui 54.3K
car-finder 32.8K
ChunkyChunks 7.62K
combinator-text 270
CopyPasteModules 28.6K
creative-mod 86.2K
DefaultTrainConditions 492
DiscoScience 193K
EditorExtensions 75.0K
even-distribution 367K
factoryplanner 230K
FactorySearch 69.1K
FluidWagonColorMask 60.2K
GUI_Unifyer 49.2K
guiManager 14.4K
helmod 400K
informatron 563K
inserter-visualizer 794
lamp-contrast 1.29K
LogisticRequestManager 27.8K
m_WhereIsMyBody 6.99K
manual-inventory-sort 27.8K
ModuleInserter 136K
next-station 382
PasteSignals 1.54K
PickerAtheneum 29.2K
PickerBeltTools 7.00K
PickerBlueprinter 5.87K
PickerDollies 49.6K
PickerExtended 22.5K
PickerInventoryTools 9.45K
PicksRocketStats 689
PipeVisualizer 84.1K
Placeables 9.99K
power-grid-comb 63.4K
pump 42.2K
QuickItemSearch 57.2K
RateCalculator 224K
RecipeBook 202K
SchallRadarAlignment 2.71K
SchallRailwayController 4.41K
StatsGui 107K
Tapeline 39.7K
Todo-List 213K
train-log 26.3K
train-signal-visualizer 10.6K
TrainDriver_A16_fix 4.82K
TrainGroups 29.0K
TrainModeSwitcher 8.36K
TrainScheduleHelper 3.44K
UI_Hotkeys 7.42K
VehicleSnap 228K
what-is-it-really-used-for 31.2K
WhereIsItMade 2.86K
WhereIsMyBody 30.8K
zoom-out 7.77K
Last dependency data update: 12 hours ago (for v2.0.0)