!NACH0's Very Modded Modpack: Compatibility Updates

The core of my custom modpack, has all the mods as dependencies, and applies any compatibility patches that are required so the game actually loads. does not setup gameplay compatibility meaning recipes, tech and stuff will be weird.

1 year, 9 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Enemies Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage Blueprints
This mod 151 From other mods 10
Dependency types:
Default 151 Required 141 Conflict 10 Optional 0 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 8.24M
nach0_library 13.6K
nach0_modpack_se_k2_5dim_248k 1.19K
nach0_modpack_Supporting_Mods 890
nach0_modpack_bz 912
FluidMustFlowSE 28.2K
rocket-log 48.0K
glutenfree-se-rocket-launch-pad-label 16.4K
se-core-miner-output-helper 11.0K
se-recycling-extras 52.1K
deep-core-fragment-balancer 4.22K
bobassembly 262K
bobclasses 95.1K
bobenemies 249K
bobinserters 350K
boblibrary 398K
boblogistics 294K
bobmining 258K
bob-mining-fix-for-se 2.89K
MDbobelectronics 20.5K
boblogistic-space-ex-logistic-chest-balance 2.83K
angelsaddons-cab 78.5K
angelsaddons-mobility 90.5K
angelsaddons-storage 171K
Mining-Space-Industries-II 9.60K
mferrari-mod-sounds 10.3K
RPGsystem 124K
RampantIndustry 14.7K
RampantArsenal 153K
RampantMaintenance 2.73K
Bio_Industries 54.5K
Asteroid_Mining 18.4K
DirtyMining 6.67K
Aircraft 171K
AircraftRealism 55.1K
HelicopterRevival 82.4K
Hovercrafts 67.8K
hovercraft-compatibility-fixes 1.69K
laser_tanks_updated 12.7K
space-spidertron 24.0K
SpidertronEnhancements 78.9K
spidertron-extended 70.6K
spidertron-logistics 16.3K
tarantulator 24.8K
TurboBike 14.8K
betterCargoPlanes 37.6K
SpidertronPatrols 56.8K
Raven 20.8K
EndgameCombat 46.3K
AtomicArtillery 61.9K
CombatRobotsOverhaul 9.41K
EpicArtillerySounds 72.6K
heroturrets 55.4K
Big_Brother 88.8K
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon 88.4K
ShockTurret 16.0K
MushroomCloud 27.9K
Repair_Turret 105K
camedo-snapmine 10.3K
RampantFixed 31.5K
Toxic_biters 32.1K
Arachnids 12.3K
Big-Monsters 30.7K
Nightfall 60.1K
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 84.5K
Robocharger 38.0K
cargo-ships 223K
beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships 44.2K
railloader 58.7K
LogisticTrainNetwork 254K
LTN_Content_Reader 46.6K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 89.7K
LtnManager 102K
ltn-cleanup 34.2K
LTN_Language_Pack 32.2K
se-ltn-glue 25.9K
se-space-trains 57.7K
Honk 99.6K
TheFatController 19.3K
TrainGroups 30.2K
train-log 30.0K
train-signal-visualizer 11.1K
train-upgrader 36.0K
z_yira_american 6.30K
z_yira_UP 12.8K
z_yira_yuokirails 12.7K
yi_railway 16.9K
Armored-train 57.1K
ick-automatic-train-repair 13.9K
Automatic_Train_Painter 101K
automatic-station-painter 19.1K
FluidWagonColorMask 68.4K
ElectricTrain 76.5K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 108K
DeadlockCrating 16.9K
deadlock-integrations 33.5K
Deadlock-AAII-bridge 14.4K
Deadlock-SE-bridge 28.7K
DeadlockStackingFor248k 3.01K
DeadlockStackingForAngels 10.1K
DeadlockStackingForBobs 12.2K
DeadlockStackingForKrastorio2 11.9K
DeadlockStackingForVanilla 17.2K
Kux-Deadlock-Stacking-Bio_Industries 8.13K
AfraidOfTheDark 180K
DiscoScience 233K
Dectorio 76.0K
LightedPolesPlus 90.0K
AbandonedRuins 62.1K
AbandonedRuins-Krastorio2 10.6K
Bioluminescence 7.02K
fire-place 5.89K
factoriohd_modpack 40.4K
factoriohd_base 37.9K
factoriohd_logistics 36.2K
factoriohd_military 36.0K
factoriohd_production 36.2K
factoriohd_terrain 36.4K
original-music-hd-reloaded 11.4K
NicerFuelGlowButUpdated 3.05K
RealisticOres 12.5K
Nanobots 188K
qol_research 186K
Robot_Battery_Research 87.4K
BlueprintLab_Blu3wolf 17.1K
Warehousing 209K
BetterBotsWLK 10.6K
belt-balancer-performance 32.2K
windturbines-redux 5.71K
WindSpeedChanging 7.82K
big-energy-solar-wind-and-accumulator 6.57K
Geothermal 28.3K
RealisticReactors 23.6K
nixie-tubes 74.0K
pushbutton 33.5K
recursive-blueprints 30.2K
ImprovedCombinator 14.2K
Inventory Sensor 33.1K
power-combinator 10.3K
capacity-combinator 6.65K
copy-paste-recipe-signals-to-combinator 6.13K
crafting_combinator 21.2K
Last dependency data update: 56 minutes ago (for v0.0.2)