
Lets you build jetpack equipment that lets you rocket at high speeds to fly over buildings and water.

1 year, 19 days ago
0.18 - 1.1
This mod 2 From other mods 156
Dependency types:
Default 106 Required 107 Conflict 1 Optional 33 Hidden 15
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 696K
space-exploration >= 0.2.6 477K
space-exploration-scripts 15.8K
nullius-momenti-modpack 9.56K
all-the-overhaul-modpack 6.32K
modpack_se_k2_bz_248k 6.04K
martincitopants-space-modpack-2022 5.28K
puppy-jetpack-ui >= 0.3.7 4.78K
hmm-g-SEandK2 >= 0.3.11 4.31K
modpack-industrial-revolution-2 2.86K
space-exploration-jetpack-gui >= 0.3.13 2.67K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.14K
space-modpack 1.85K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.62K
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-IR3 1.61K
KrastorioModPack 1.50K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.38K
martincitopants-new-stream-modpack 1.23K
as2_krastorio >= 0.3.1 1.05K
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack >= 0.2.12 662
kras_W2 577
TinyStartJetpack >= 0.3.7 458
k2se-pt 425
TinyStartJetpackExtended >= 0.3.7 405
EarlyJetpack 396
jetpackcoal4py >= 0.3.6 384
kras_ghoulash 376
LaziestModPack 331
as2_krastorio_SE >= 0.3.14 326
rockets-in-the-sky 317
lotus-mod 312
dredgepack 302
BABasedModpack >= 0.3.11 198
jetpackfuel4IR3 >= 0.3.14 185
NulliusBasedModpack >= 0.3.14 170
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 164
k2semsi-modpack >= 0.3.7 162
lucky-modpack 156
Spacedestructor-Islands 150
OlympusProject 145
Factory_Block 142
asj-modpack-space >= 0.2.9 135
smetdenis-mod-pack 135
k2se-wq 134
Jans_QOL_Pack 100
ch-ei-pack 100
DaThomasSpacePack >= 0.2.6 97
viktorious_modpack >= 0.3.13 95
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack-PATCH >= 0.2.12 94
jcrneep-space-modpack 83
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 81
TheWizerModpack 69
HopefulFiresModpack 59
k2-bob-customBR 56
Mania_krastorio >= 0.3.1 48
j00lz-meme-mod 47
geekbattery-exotic-stuff 45
factmeup 44
space_krastorio_2_fine_experience >= 0.1.21 41
yqur3-content 40
momobok 39
undermark5-qol-mod-pack 36
redhats-modpack 34
prijindal_modpack_vanilla_plus 34
kermitihouqlfmodpack >= 0.3.2 29
yam_modpack_mithrahn 26
Amuxix_qol_collection >= 0.3.14 24
bekloppt-pack-qol >= 0.2.12 23
test_adams_mod >= 0.2.6 22
sborochka-kot 22
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 0.3.5 21
salocraft 21
rafal-rubaj-modpack 20
yana-ei-tweaks 17
LazyNewbNotSE 13
WePlayPlutoniumJetpackFuel 12
flamborio2 5
jump-and-swing 295
pypostprocessing 53.8K
Better-Power-Armor-Grid 24.8K
railway-motor-car >= 0.3.5 11.6K
battery-powered 8.17K
splatter_guard 8.09K
StatsGui-MovementSpeed 5.18K
Zh-cnMod 4.19K
caonima 3.92K
SE-locale 3.58K
rz-IR2CompatibilityFixes 2.63K
5dim-cats >= 0.2.6 2.35K
clean_crafting_menu 2.20K
ruLocale >= 0.1.21 2.14K
RussianModifikal 1.36K
K2-equipment-compatibility 1.19K
qol_pack 946
seablock-jetpack-fuels >= 0.3.6 530
StatsGui-MovementSpeed-Coordinates-Distance 376
fuel-category-compatibility 335
se-k2-buding >= 0.3.14 233
BiomassPack >= 0.3.10 219
UtilityTweaksPack 199
railway-motor-car-fork >= 0.3.5 141
Spaghetorio >= 0.3.14 98
shrimpack-QOL 59
extra-fueling 35
WePlayIR3Simple 24
Last dependency data update: an hour ago (for v0.3.14)