ick's helper mod pack

A collection of non-game-changing, helper and decorative mods I like. Also some small changes to make them more compatible.

Mod packs
4 years ago
This mod 42 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 42 Required 28 Conflict 0 Optional 14 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 1.07M
additional-paste-settings >= 0.9.0 1.16K
AttilaQuickBarMod >= 0.18.1 159
ColourBlindSignals >= 1.0.0 11
Dectorio >= 0.10.8 75.8K
Fill4Me >= 0.9.2 144K
FNEI >= 0.3.4 316K
FuelTrainStop >= 0.18.1 53.6K
GhostScanner >= 1.5.7 12.1K
MushroomCloud >= 1.0.14 27.9K
nixie-tubes >= 0.18.3 73.8K
Shortcuts-ick >= 0.18.0 51.8K
Shuttle_Train_Continued >= 0.18.1 12.3K
textplates >= 0.5.2 280K
VehicleWagon2 >= 2.18.5 22.3K
Last dependency data update: 4 hours ago (for v0.18.0)