Lua API global Variable Viewer (gvv)

by Ritn

This is a debugging tool. This mod adds commands /gvv and others and a hotkey(Ctrl+Shift+V) to allow you to check _G and global table of map or each mods. Only admins can use command if it is multiplay game. You have to input some code for temporary accessibility or have to edit "control.lua" of other mod or map to access global table of the mod or map. See "Helper" tab for instructions.

18 days ago
1.0 - 2.0
This mod 0 From other mods 52
Dependency types:
Default 30 Required 4 Conflict 0 Optional 27 Hidden 21
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 1.13K
COLOSSUS >= 0.5.1 1.02K
all-the-modportal 75
developer-assistant 24
91C653F6-CA21-4B79-8B83-00613605B31A 9
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v0.5.4)