Foltik's Ultra Violence Modpack

by Foltik

This modpack is designed to massively ramp up the difficulty of the vanilla game with new weapons, enemies, and AI enhancements.

Mod packs
4 years ago
This mod 70 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 70 Required 70 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 10.8M
base >= 0.17.74 -
Nightfall >= 0.17.4 59.4K
Rampant >= 0.17.28 121K
boblibrary >= 0.17.5 390K
bobplates >= 0.17.11 252K
bobores >= 0.17.5 254K
bobpower >= 0.17.10 262K
boblogistics >= 0.17.15 288K
bobinserters >= 0.17.10 329K
bobassembly >= 0.17.7 257K
bobmining >= 0.17.6 253K
bobwarfare >= 0.17.11 259K
bobvehicleequipment >= 0.17.5 181K
bobenemies >= 0.17.7 244K
rso-mod >= 5.0.18 141K
Big_Brother >= 0.5.1 87.0K
LogisticTrainNetwork >= 1.10.15 249K
LTN_Tracker >= 0.10.9 105
LTN_Combinator >= 0.5.1 185
LTN_Content_Reader >= 0.2.6 45.9K
FARL >= 3.1.12 47.1K
AAI-CraftTab >= 1.0.2 26
aai-industry >= 0.3.22 508K
aai-signals >= 0.4.2 159K
aai-zones >= 0.4.3 120K
aai-signal-transmission >= 0.1.8 499K
aai-programmable-structures >= 0.5.16 121K
aai-programmable-vehicles >= 0.5.31 164K
aai-vehicles-miner >= 0.4.7 167K
aai-vehicles-warden >= 0.3.2 129K
aai-vehicles-hauler >= 0.4.2 134K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank >= 0.4.1 158K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner >= 0.4.1 137K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler >= 0.4.1 123K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank >= 0.3.1 126K
Yuoki >= 0.7.83 26.8K
Yi_Tech_Tree >= 0.17.0 8.31K
yi_engines >= 0.7.35 19.7K
Factorissimo2 >= 2.3.7 219K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders >= 2.2.0 97.6K
deadlock-integrations >= 2.0.11 33.1K
beltSorter >= 0.6.3 39.0K
Inventory Sensor >= 1.7.3 31.5K
nixie-tubes >= 0.17.6 65.4K
Flow Control >= 3.0.4 181K
WaterWell >= 1.0.20 68.0K
VehicleGrid >= 1.1.2 16.5K
grappling-gun >= 0.1.2 281K
qol_research >= 2.3.1 169K
Robot_Battery_Research >= 0.1.2 85.9K
FNEI >= 0.2.7 298K
AutoDeconstruct >= 0.1.12 266K
Squeak Through >= 1.3.0 464K
tree_collision >= 0.5.1 80.6K
Bottleneck >= 0.10.4 238K
Enhanced_Map_Colors >= 1.4.9 102K
even-distribution >= 0.3.10 370K
helmod >= 0.8.18 402K
more-minimap-autohide-017 >= 1.0.0 14.3K
Tapeline >= 0.5.0 39.9K
Todo-List >= 17.3.0 214K
YARM >= 0.8.18 132K
multi-product-recipe-details >= 0.17.3 12.8K
far-reach >= 0.0.11 173K
MaxRateCalculator >= 3.2.28 123K
DiscoScience >= 0.1.13 194K
Dectorio >= 0.9.14 70.6K
AsphaltRoads >= 1.1.7 302
ShinyIcons >= 0.17.4 147
ShinyBobGFX >= 0.17.12 291
Last dependency data update: 6 hours ago (for v0.1.2)